[center][img=http://baku-panda.org/uxrpg/katie/katie_2012_2.png][/center] The young, pig-tailed former heroine wasted no time. She could unpack later, right now she was eager to see the rest of the school. The Xavier mansion was the largest house that she had ever seen. Which, was this what would be considered a [i]mansion[/i] or was it more like a modern castle? The latter was appealing for the image it planted in her mind that by virtue of residing in such a modern castle, she was - by default - a princess. After all, anyone could be a chosen instrument of Kymellia, charged with great power and destined to save the planet. But, to be a princess, [i]that[/i] was special. This illusion of her own making was quickly lost to the emptiness of her blonde mind as soon as the small girl had exited the women's dormitory wing and nearly collided with Carter, who had apparently been waiting for her. In some ways, seeing Carter was better than princesses. Primarily because there was, to the best of her knowledge, no pending destruction of the planet at the hands of crocodile-like aliens or mutant hating bigots who just happened to hold a deep-seated belief that she was one. Typically, when she'd seen or spent time with Carter in the past, one of those two things had been the case. Or both, simultaneously, the end of result of which had been a bad day all around. But this was a good day. Bouncing up on both feet, Katie grabbed one of the boy's hands with both of hers as she excitedly asked, "Canihavethetournow?" This may or may not have been intended to be six separate words. In execution however, Katie spoke so fast that even she wasn't quite certain of what she'd just said. And the best part of being friends with a telepath? She didn't have to be. He probably hadn't even been aware that she'd said anything verbal-like. Young Carter Ghazikhanian, for his part, despite the advantage of his mutation, seemed at a loss of words at the bouncing, bubbly, bombastic girl who was holding his hand. "Uh," the boy managed, with a blink, as though trying to comprehend what had just happened. Then he remembered, this was Katie. Katie had just happened. In which case, this would be considered normal. "Sure!" the boy affirmed finally, a smile lighting up his face as he pulled gently against her hold and said, "We should start with the cafeteria. There's a lot of students there right now..." No sooner had they started however, than Carter suddenly brought their wide-eyed tour group to a halt. "There's [i]really[/i] a lot of students in the cafeteria," the boy repeated, his gaze growing distant as though he were no longer paying attention to what was happening around him. "What are they..?" As the young telepath trailed off, Katie looked up into Carter's face as though bewildered by how her friend had just suddenly checked out of his own mind. To confirm this suspicion, Katie waved a hand in front of his eyes. Yep. Checked out. And then he was back. Blinking, Carter looked at the girl without explanation and offered only, "Uh, we should look at the cafeteria later. After they've had a chance to clean up." Changing direction, the boy pulled the girl down the other side of the hallway. "The professor's in his office though. You should meet him." "Professor? Like a teacher?" Katie echoed, her face adopting a slightly sour expression. "Uh, can't that wait. Every day without homework is a good day," the child commented candidly. "You want to get better with your power, right?" Carter's question caught the girl unexpectedly. As she numbly nodded, Carter offered, "You'll like his homework. He knows everything about... [i]everything.[/i] After all, he started this school."