The bell sounded, and Noriko snapped out of her disoriented gaze, sitting outside around the back of the school. She threw the last blueberry from her container into her mouth and it burst onto her tongue as she bit into it. The breeze whisked through her sapphire hair and she stood, pushing her self up from the grass. The short girl winced slightly as the blades of grass grazed her injured when she stood up. Noriko dabbed the blood on her knee with a handkerchief, and it stung. She wondered whether her afternooons spent roughhousing with D-class students behind the school would be left behind once she joined the host club. Noriko's eyes suddenly widened as she realised that she was meant to meet with the rest of the host club today, at the bell. Grabbing her satchel and swinging it over her shoulder, she began to hurry back inside the school building, running through the regally decorated halls and past pompous-looking students from all different grades. On her way through the labyrinth-like hallways that she hadn't yet gotten used to, Noriko felt through her pockets and bag for her map, but it was clear that she'd left it behind before heading outside. She passed the locker room, thankfully, and approached the rows of lockers. She dug her hand into her skirt pocket, pulling out her locker key, but paused as she looked down the row to see a peculiar boy with silver hair seemingly coming onto a freshman. Upon noticing he was a senior, she scoffed under her breath. "Gross," she said, a little louder than she realised, and ran her hand through the fringe of her hair as she resumed opening her locker.