Friends, although I am sure many are quite impressed by your dedication to the purity of the genre, I feel obliged to remind you that the definitions of both genres, cyberpunk and fantasy alike, are vague and encompassing. Something can be both A and B at the same time without diminishing either aspect. If it is not your cup of tea, then it is not. That does not lessen the enjoyment of others. I feel it is also largely inaccurate to say a genre of literature is akin to a cuisine or culture. One can have Jazz with elements of Rock. It is still both Jazz and Rock at the same time. Whether it falls into one category or the other depends on whether one aspect overpowers the other. One can have a young adult fiction with Shakespearean elements or even language. One can have historical fiction with fantasy elements. One can even have futuristic dystopian fiction with fantasy elements. It does not diminish any side of the story. Whether something is A with traits of B, B with traits of A, or something entirely unique does not really pertain to the RP at hand. From my understanding, we have no fantasy elements in this RP. Is that not the only aspect that actually pertains in this case?