[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s2.postimg.org/wlogxtv09/virginia_aesthetic2.png[/img][hr][color=9999ff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Crypt Townhouse Near the Strand, London [hider=House and Description][img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2621/3928496504_fab1dba590.jpg[/img][center]The Crypts purchased the house ages ago, as their dear friend's practice was nearby. He was an undertaker. Does that surprise you? It shouldn't. Alfred manages the household affairs, as the townhouse was originally used for attending events of the season, as well as to be present for public executions. Virginia takes a professional interest in them. That should hardly surprise you either.[/center][/hider][/center][hr][hr] James dropped the knife with a clatter, his eyes wide and excited. It was no great secret that he adored his older sister, something that amused Alfred greatly. Had others not known better, they may have mistaken Virginia for James' mother. There was a twenty year gap in age, after all. Wiping his face a bit with the back of his sleeve, James nodded eagerly. Tormenting Alfred was something that he enjoyed doing, and after years of working with the Crypts, Alfred wasn't nearly as exasperated with it as he should have been. Usually, if the boy was getting to be a bit much, he'd just tell James it was time for an impromptu fencing lesson and grab their foils. [color=9999ff]"Oh! Hello Peter, it's such a terrible morning,"[/color] Virginia said with a soft smile. She had witnessed some of the devastation of the garden from her bedroom window and assumed that was what Peter had come to talk to her about. It didn't bother her too much, especially since she could compliment the man on his good work. If Virginia recalled correctly, her father had a cousin who used to remove the petals from roses and then display the stems with pride. [color=9999ff]"I shall see you both in the breakfast nook in a moment,"[/color] Virginia instructed, followed by a nod from Alfred. The butler then shot a private glance towards the gardener, something vaguely along the lines of [i]good luck, mate[/i] before ushering James through the hallways until they reached the breakfast nook. Peter then had Virginia's full attention, as well as her 'famous' unwavering eye contact. [color=9999ff]"So Peter, what is it you wished to tell me?"[/color] Virginia inquired. [hr][hr][center][img]https://s8.postimg.org/nvq4ksl7p/maeve.png[/img] [img]https://s2.postimg.org/88devw7h5/Regency_Chloe_12.gif[/img][hr][color=ff6600][b]Location[/b][/color]: Teriny Inn[/center][hr][hr] Maeve kept her eyes and face forward after she had caught a brief glimpse of the sodding wet man. She didn't want him to be able to see the slightest hint of amusement in her eyes, wondering just how the parson had managed to get a barrel of water to soak the man. The real wonder, Maeve supposed, was that while the parson was extraordinarily clumsy, he rarely seemed to injure himself. His actions always seemed to impact others the most. [color=ff6600]"I cannot say ah've ever 'eard av it. we couldn't 'av afforded dis whaen I wus little--or even now,"[/color] Maeve admitted, tilting her head at the fruit like a child, considering whether or not to try it. She then took a single chunk and bit into it, her eyes widening as the flavor hit her taste buds. It was unlike any fruit she had ever had before. [color=ff6600]"This...this is brilliant. T'anks, Nigel,"[/color] Maeve said once she had finished the small piece. But he didn't seem to know more about the parson's family than Maeve already knew, a fact that was a bit disappointing. She couldn't help but imagine, though, the parson making 'attempts' to join the family business while growing up, only to cause it all to end in disaster by one act of clumsiness or another. But then again, how did the man get through life if he was this clumsy all of the time? [color=ff6600]"Is he always this clumsy?"[/color] Maeve then asked.