Welcome back! Wonderful post, with an exciting twist at the end! I didn't see anything that needed to be changed. Well done, once again! :D Thanks for the info! Helpful for my reply. If I remember correctly, I had Miles express his hatred for the Sorceress but didn't really cover how long he'd been in Wonderland as she rose to power. I'm thinking that he was there very briefly, but since he's cowardly (or smart, depending on how you look at it :lol) he fled via the nearest portal and has been stuck on earth ever since. As a result, he hasn't seen a shadowmire, but he has a general idea of what's going on and what to expect. He's gotten his share of stories from fellow Jumpers over the years. I [b]love [/b]that about the knights, that makes them all the more intriguing to me. I don't think you've ever covered their background, so that's super interesting to learn! Miles hates any type of officer or guard, so Elayra's threat will keep him in line, I'm sure. Heh. One quick question that came up as I'm working on my response: at this point in time, is the portal open enough for Ghent to get through? I figured it would be since Elayra directed him towards it, but I wanted to make certain. I don't think he's very willing to comply, but Miles may change that. *laughs* As far as [i]Voltron[/i] goes, I haven't gotten around to seeing it yet! I really need to. I've heard great things about it, aside from the fact that they split it into two parts. Boo. Hope you're well, and as always, take care of yourself! (Also, I love your avatar!)