[@KawaiiKyouko] i'd agree w/ cu's mr suggestion. also ranged heroes can already magically spawn ammunition so unless you're repping some arash-style non-np carpet bombing stuff bow and arrow creation doesn't serve you well. personally i'd replace it with something like clairvoyance (for archery emphasis), divinity (son of sky god + fire god clan emphasis), military tactics (for leadership emphasis), or an innovation variant. and i doubt you'd be able to get away with them but technically he also qualifies for imperial privilege (not rome exclusive anymore gg), revelation (bcuz insight from the gods, tho u could bunch this into clairvoyance prob) i think the thought behind the second np is decent, but the fact it runs off the master's energy is troubling since that's only like 50 arrows tops, not enough to make a defensive arrow shield or dakka a servant. bonus points for not having an army summon.