[@Blueflame] Inspecting the sword, Xi Shi furrowed her brow in sheer confusion. Partially due to the teachings of her Shaolin masters that Japanese martial arts are inferior and partially due to the fact that she did not see the practicality of this sword. The pummel was awkwardly long and the grip was uneven, appearing uncomfortable. The guard was a trapped guard, but she never felt those would be good in a fight due to the balance in weight and the fact she was a strength-based fighter. The serrated edge on the back of the blade and at the tip seemed more cumbersome to her than anything. Xi Shi looked to the sword for a long time and then, placing the sheath back on, she put the bottom of the blade in one hand, the tip in the other one then returned it to her. "Your sword is unique. I would love to see you use it"