After walking all of season one of a wonderful Shonen that has revived my faith in the Japanese animation industry, I have the sudden urge to take that amazing world and put it into rp form. So here I am, ready to make a My Hero Academia role play. The story is about the world where out of nowhere people started being born with powers, and now 80% of the population has superpowers, though most of them aren't anything special. So, when people starting going crazy about now having powers and the last generation not having them, people who just decided to be heroes stepped up and kept order until things were figured out. Now, heroing is a government regulated, capitalized the business, companies supporting and advertising their heroes like celebrities. This rp takes us through the creation of the next generation of heroes: From their enrollment into the best hero school around U.A. to their debut as sidekicks all the way to them as heroes and the intense journey through it all. I really hope this one gets some backing.