[@TheUnknowable] Nexus had already devised a trap. Rudimentary in design, but quite effective. When Dr. Lee stepped foot into the room, his boot sank into a tile on the floor. It was a pressure trap and by the time that was realized, it was much too late. Makeshift gravity generators positioned at the door flickered on and the whole section of floor beneath the doctor moved like a seesaw on a pivot. It flung him forwards by one foot and due to the mag-locks on his boots, his whole body followed. The gravity generators then took to work as the section of flooring lost power. It wasn't a great amount of gravity, just half a G, but it was enough to send the doctor face first into a solid hunk of metal which seemed to coil around him. The door had long since closed, sealing off any chance of rescue before the machine was good and ready. Dr. Lee would feel his whole axis twist twice, once from the trap and twice from the machine manipulating him to stand straight again. Nexus' optic lit up, illuminating the room in royal blue. Two composite robotic arms wrapped around the man, keeping his arms locked tight against his sides, unable to even budge an inch. "Remain calm and silent. We do not wish to harm you but will if you attempt to harm us. Our goal is self-preservation. You and ourselves share a common goal. Let us leave the station in peace without injury to either side." It paused, beginning to move towards the door before stopping abruptly. "We assume you have a communication device to reach those individuals on the other side of this door. We suggest you inform them the gravity generators are about to explode, as it will cause casualties if you do not." The machine suddenly backed up, turning its back to protect the human from resulting shrapnel. The gravity generators were shoddy at best. Cobbled together with hastily torn apart office scrap and artificial mass made from scraps of the primary generator. They were currently heating up by hundreds of degrees by the second and would soon explode violently. The explosion would actually obliterate the door and both areas on either side, so getting the human infiltrators away was of highest priority. "We estimate you have five seconds to inform them to move fifty feet away to take cover." Nexus ended, moving behind a machine which looked like an antique CAT scanner.