[@Silvan Haven] [@Hekazu] [@LPRKN] [@Lmpkio] [@t2wave] [@LokiLeo789] [@Corporal Lance] Nakreyya rode atop Anzu as they approached the ruins. Her eyepatch whirred lightly as she scanned her eyes around the area to assess any potential threats. Once the group was stopped, she swung one leg over the saddle, and dropped herself down from the Nightmare's back, walking forward a few steps before kneeling to touch the ground. Her fingers brought up some of the dirt, and she rubbed it gently, testing to see the composition of it. Bone. Ash. Dust. At Fionn's inquiry, Nakreyya stood and turned toward him, "I wish to have a better look around. With your permission, I would like to scout the perimeter of this area. I have seen omens such as these before though it has been a long time - and others will be better to perform the cleansings required." Her lilted and accented voice was low, her one eye meeting Fionn's as she anticipated an answer. She feared no undead. Where she came from, the shambling masses of decaying flesh were frightening, but not insurmountable - and she was sure she was faster than they. She took a moment to make sure that Anzu's reigns were tied back to the saddle, loosely. She wanted to afford him complete movement, but ensure he could not accidentally trip himself if he needed to run. She didn't fear his departure, or harm coming to him. He was a Nightmare, after all, he had chosen to stay with her this long - and he was more than adequately able to defend himself.