[img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/f5/ba/88/f5ba884b1e08933822e618607b0fda00--anime-girls.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] Ramona (Ray) Herrman [color=ed1c24]Age:[/color] 17 Years Old [color=ed1c24]Grade:[/color] 5th Grade [color=ed1c24]Nationality:[/color] Empire of Germania. [color=ed1c24]Theme:[/color] The White Knight. Due to her background and her chivalrous yet fearsome nature, it is obvious why this theme matches her perfectly. She is kind hearted, but also a force of nature. When a damsel is in distress she is the first one to defend a woman's virtue. [color=ed1c24]Appearance:[/color] Ramona has crimson red hair that usually is held back in a high ponytail during fights or while training. When casual, her hair is usually left down, ending towards the middle of her back. You usually know when she means business judging by her hairstyle. Her eyes are an emerald green. As lush and vibrant as the spring meadows that are scattered about her country. She stands at about 5'7'' and weighs around 150ibs, her weight giving her a slightly curvy frame. Ray walks with authority and determination. On the outside she is the picture perfect protector. On the inside however, is a fire raging to be unleashed. A wild child dying to express herself. After all, how can a flower bloom when it is being smothered? When she speaks she commands the attention of the entire room. People are known to respect both her intellect as well as her physical prowess. [color=ed1c24]Bio:[/color] The Empire of Germania is known for many things. One of which is their impressive, loyal warriors and protectors. Most would compare this group with King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table. Leading the charge is first in command, Sir Alexandar Herrman. He is the first class warriors instructor as well as their chief in command. One day he met a maiden who was known to come from high nobility and important social standing. Tamsin Alt was one of the fairest elegable women in all of Germania. Though dozens of men have competed for her affection, Alexandar was the one who had won her heart. Not long after their courtship, the two were married and had conceived a child. A girl whom they had named Ramona Jade. Ramona is derived from the Old German language as "protecting hands" while Jade stems from the enchanting color of her eyes. Unfortunately, there were complications during the birth that resulted in Tamsin's death. Overcome with grief, Alexandars one and only way of coping was to raise their child to become the greatest warrior the kingdom had ever known. In addition to all of Ray's academic classes, she would also have lessons in both chivalry and swordsmanship. Every spare moment she had was dedicated to becoming a knight. In fact, by the age of five, the girl had already known the basic techniques in sword play... a skill that an average warrior would have had by the time they were ten. As time went by she became the best in her rank. The best in the entire kingdom in fact. To the point where the instructors had become students themselves, overshadowed by her success. Every year the league of warriors would hold a tournament. This tournament placed eligible fighters into their title. Whether it be something as common as a courtyard guardian or something as important as protecting his royal highness. Each swordsman would enter the tournament on their graduation day. Rather than have a ceremony like normal students, these potential defenders would compete for the highest honor. However, by the time our White Knight had turned the age of 15, she had grown weary of the customs she was constantly surrounded by. She was tired of being known as "Alexandar's prodigy" or simply just "a warrior." She wanted to explore. She wanted to live life outside of her birdcage. To spread her wings and fly. With much convincing and the promise of expanding her horizons as well as her experience, Ramona had reasoned with her father to allow her to transfer schools. As long as she returned by the time of the tournament and kept up with her lessons. Her main school of choice was none other than Saint Hirst Academy, a prestigious institution located in the small town of Sabrie. [color=ed1c24]Sample Post:[/color] The sun was beginning to rise as the dawn of another day in Germania commenced. Most of the townsfolk were beginning to set up shop to sell and trade goods. Farmers were starting to till their crops and feed their livestock. Meanwhile, since the witching hour Ramona Herrman had been busy in the Knights Academy Gymnasium putting in some last minute training. "Axe kick! Good... now finish him." Alexandar commanded from the sidelines. With one final blow, the punching bag Ray had been practicing on had snapped from its chains and fallen to the ground. Other warriors who had just arrived at the gym for their morning exercise had whooped and cheered in appreciation for their comrade. "And that men, is how it is done." Alexandar beamed as he strode over to where Ramona had been standing. She had her hands on her knees and was panting heavily due to the extra effort she had put in her last attack. Her father gave her a stern look causing Ray to remember her surroundings as well as proper behavior, and stand at attention. She straightened her back so she stood tall and proud. Her chin held high, while her eyes stared straight forward with her hand near her forehead in a salute, awaiting further orders. "At ease, at ease." The commander waved her off and presented a letter. "This came for you a moment ago." Ramona relaxed and took the parchment from her fathers grasp. The letter was held in an off white envelope with her name addressed on the front. She flipped it over and grinned upon seeing the seal of her dream school. "It came." She smiled and roughly tore open the parcels contents. She took a brief moment to read the first few sentences before folding the letter and placing it neatly in her messenger bag lying on a sparring bench nearby. A sense of excitement coarsed through her like a bolt of lightening. She wanted to sing, wanted to dance, wanted to celebrate. She had been accepted. She was going to Saint Hirst Academy. But she knew better... Taking extra precaution in wiping the grin off her face she turned her heal and looked at her father with the decorum that was drilled into her since childhood. "It seems that I have been accepted sir. With your permission, I would like to ready myself for departure in a matter of a few days. Classes will be starting soon, and with the institution being so far away, I thought it best I be prepared and become familiar with my surroundings before my studies commence." As she spoke her face gave nothing away. Her calm, business-like exterior was a stark contrast to what she had actually been feeling. Unfortunately, it was unacceptable for a knight to show any emotion, for fear it would make them seem weak. [color=ed1c24]Extra:[/color] Ramona wants nothing more than to have a seemingly normal life. No matter how brief a period in time that may be. Before she begins her duty to become a warrior for Germania, she would like to experience what it is to be a true adolescent. To be free.