Well, I think that the staff (at least one official representative of it like [@Hank]) should come here and address this issue properly. I'm sure that I'm also putting myself on the ban line for doing this comment (especially after returnign to the Guild briefly, after RL made me unable to do anything after I joined), but this has grown into a real community problem. Silence or repression are just going to brew it further until the Mods lose all their credibility. No matter who was it that began the issue, you are the figures of power here, you are the only ones that can solve it. Omitting yourselves/banning people/locking threads to hide behind your wall of power will solve nothing, just create more martyrs. Of course, if your intention is an ideological purge, go ahead, the site is private so it technically is yours to do as you see fit. Even if this "see fit" is to purge the site of all of the opposition and leave this a community with just half a dozen dedicated d*cksuckers to pamper your inflated ego.