[b][u]The Good...[/u][/b] [Me] - Blaze - ACCEPTED [@NecroKnight] - Ghost - ACCEPTED [@Simple Unicycle] - Daredevil II - ACCEPTED [@Pleek] - THE Nicholas Grey - ACCEPTED [@Dblade26] - Iron Fist - ACCEPTED [omitted the sample post, just visited your profile and checked out some of your writing elsewhere] [b][u]The Bad...[/u][/b] [@rocketrobie2] - Ton / ANAD Hulk 2099 - ACCEPTED [omitted the sample post, just paste one in later from JLU] [@The Angry Goat] - Force -ACCEPTED [@Queentze] - Blackguard - ACCEPTED [b][u]The Incomplete...[/u][/b] [@Afro Samurai] - Power Man - PRE APPROVED [CS needs finished] [@clanjos] US Ace - PRE APPROVED [CS needs finished] Signed off on a couple CS's that only needed Sample Posts. I'll be @ tagging the other interested parties next. -00492