Pain. Utter blinding pain ran through the wisps being. Unimaginable agony racked it's body as it felt like it was being turned inside out by the Goddesses touch. The worst of it was the heat upon it's eyes, as if hot pokers had burrowed into his soul. He screamed as he fell to a knee, wondering how he had failed. Surely he had done something wrong. Failed some sort of test he had never intended to take. But the pain, as quick as it had come, was no gone. It had felt to him like years of torture, but had only surely lasted but a second. He felt his body coming into form, bone hardening and muscles growing tight over them. As he watched scars developing over his forearms and legs, seemingly scorched by fire, images flashed behind his closed eyelids. A young boy, light blond hair like tendrils of silk and eyes as blue as the oceans, laughing and throwing his arms wide as he fell into a pile of forgotten leaves. A woman with the same hair but deep emerald eyes staring as if into his very soul, a strange sensation washing over him as he glanced at her perfectly shaped full lips. The reflection of a man with long dark black hair and a tattooed symbol below his left eye, he knew it was a rune meaning light. The feeling of touching his own face where a scar ran just next to it from the same eye to the corner of his mouth, a jeweled crown atop his head. This was him. A city burning searing the image into his memory, the boy dead in his hands, the woman ran through on the steps to a castle. Raklorn. His castle. He wept deeply as the cities wooden structures blazed, and the screaming of innocents was heard. Soldiers being slain, as they ran towards him. More soldiers coming to his aid as he torn them apart inhumanly. War. Years and years of war. Blood coating his body until he could no longer see the color of his skin. Until his vision was the same red. Smiling men growing silent as he approached their camp in a vast array in camps. More war. Capture. Torture. Pain. Torture. Torture. He pulled himself out of his own mind, finding himself weeping where he kneeled. Seeing his reflection in a crystal he approached it. His now white hair falling in his face over his left eye as his other deep blue eye took in his surroundings. He brushed his hair to the side tucking it behind his ear and stared at his reflection. Just above his tattoo his right eye was now a white orb which he could still see out of, shining with a dim glow. Orpheus. That was his name.