[b]Alicia Hayden[/b] She wasn't sure what she had been expecting, but the fact that it did enough damage to the monster that it at least earned a response was good enough for her. If she could help Penny end this fight, then so much the better. It was a sentiment that did not last very long as the building collapsed, ripped partially down by Elroy as he did his best to imitate a wrecking ball and hit back. It wasn't too hard to guess that his power was related to metal, or just flat out strength. That was more Penny's problem at the moment. As he went airborne she tensed, prepared to jump out of the way lest he come down on top of her or target her with that attack. Yet her attention was drawn away by the crack of a rifle, and a sudden burst of pain from her left leg. "Gah!" A cry escaped as she stumbled and almost hit the ground, her gaze swinging downwards to find the glancing wound from the bullet. Her uniform had tanked the brunt of the damage, but it was clearly more than just a mundane bullet. Alicia's musing was interrupted as the pain spiked to a new high, like multiple bones had been broken as her most lucid guess. [i]Magic[/i], that was the only answer. Blinking tears from her eyes Alicia scanned the area, trying to find the source of the shot even as black domes began striking nearby. That girl from before, she had to still be around. No time, there was no time to worry about that. Drawing on her light magic and her inner Spark,, she placed her hands over the wound and concentrated in the manner that Beacon had taught her. "Cleanse," she muttered between grit teeth holding back sobs of pain. Bright, white light flared into existence and a warmth began to spread through her form that untangled and banished the curse that had taken root there as best she could. Which was, well, just enough time to begin stumbling away from Elroy's impact zone. She just hoped she was far enough away. [@Shifter_Master][@BrokenPromise][@Majoras End]