[hider=Adrian Townsend] [b]Name:[/b] Adrian Townsend [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Role:[/b] Villain 2 [b]Alter-Ego:[/b] Ichor [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4ZrdA_ubvac/hqdefault.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] In the most simple of terms, Adrian is a man of passion. He lives, loves, and acts in fits of vigor. His passion is not fiery, but rather forceful and earthy. Granted, these outbursts ebb and flow, especially because using his power can often leave him drained and anxious. On good days, he has a personality that can consume the room, turning heads his way. A man who demands attention, he holds it, and his dark humor and charisma has made him a great many friends over the years. Those who know Adrian the best, however, know that this is mostly a facade. He is certainly passionate, but he likes to show it in more subtle ways to those he truly cares about. Behind closed doors, it is easy to tell that Adrian is often tired and introverted, despite the exterior he tries to give off. It's hard work, pretending to be someone he isn't, but it has worked quite well for him and his business. He craves attention and affection as a means of coping. The obvious attachment between him and Irene is certainly not one-sided. So far, he has managed to separate work and play very well. While on the job, he plays the cold, calculating boss, but he can quickly drop the facade around his friends and lover. While Irene has begun to meld her two lives together, it only seems as though Adrian is very quickly growing into two very different people. [b]Power:[/b] Adrian has the power to manipulate blood within and outside of a body. He can control the flow of it, pulling blood away from some parts of the body and towards others. It is easier for him to control blood outside of the body since there is no barrier between him and the blood in that instance. [b]Drawback:[/b] Blood manipulation takes a great amount of concentration, and so Adrian is left vulnerable whenever he uses his power. He can only focus on one entity at a time, making his power disadvantageous when he is up against a group of opponents. Further, he often finds himself exhausted after using his power extensively. If he's in a large fight, he may find himself bedridden for a few days. [b]Personal History:[/b] Life for Adrian has always been the same, and it likely will always be. He was the fifth child born to two low-middle class parents. Though he never truly wanted for anything, the household certainly lacked money to spend on luxuries - except for the times where Adrian's father, Adam, would come home lucky from some side-job or another. Perhaps it was through his father that Adrian first got a taste for illicit activities and how they could transform a household. Some of his happiest days as a child were his father coming back with enough money for them to go on a day trip. Whether Adrian's mother, Hannah, knew of her husband's jobs was a whole other story. Of course, neither parent wanted Adrian to turn to such a life. Instead, they pushed him towards his studies, and the boy found a passion for English. If things had been different, he might have gone on to make a career out of them for himself, perhaps even teach and share his passion, but such a life would have seemed too boring for Adrian. For most of his high school career, he skirted on the edge of good and bad, running in less-than-savory crowds of acquaintances. His powers made him someone intriguing and worth getting to have on your side. Adrian did manage to go to college, and it was during his studies that he truly began to express his interest in illegal activities. It began with a few favors for friends, but as Adrian began to see the money that could be made in selling certain substances, he began to be the one calling favors and building up his own network. Though he continued to study English, he picked up a major in business, hoping to improve his capabilities as a "small business" owner once he graduated. And graduate he did - though his degree relied mostly on drug money than anything his parents or grants could provide. Graduated, he quickly built up his business. He was a man to be reckoned with, for his powers made him a deadly force. He felt truly alive in these endeavors, carving a name for himself in the blood and grit of drug trafficking. It was some-what through his business that he finally met Irene Liam, the proprietor of an establishment his men and women frequented - and his future lover. Their romance was a quick and passionate one as he found himself chasing after this cold, calculating woman and falling for the affectionate one that revealed herself to him later. He spoiled her as best as he could, spending as much time as he was able to so that he might win her over. But things are changing. Adrian knows of Irene's struggle with the law and he plans to legitimize herself, and while he supports her, he finds it growing more and more difficult to change his ways. He's tired now more than ever as he finds himself working longer nights, using his powers to snuff out threats, and struggling to keep his relationship afloat. It's extremely unstable, but he feels as though he has little choice in the matter now - he may just be too far gone. [b]Focus:[/b] Adrian hopes only to continue making the best life for himself and Irene. He does not see a need to legitimize his work yet because he feels as though he still has a great amount of work that can be done. Perhaps he also lives for the rush he gets living on the edge of what is right and what is wrong. He knows Irene is doing her best to stray from "evil", and so he has been trying to keep his still-illicit actions hidden from her knowledge. [b]Relationships[/b] Villain 1: Retiree 1: Retiree 2: Hero 1: Hero 2: [/hider]