[quote=@Nytem4re]Why do I have to be inherently against authority? There was little to suggest I was against authority until I merely criticized babycrib. Even then it was more about authority doing their job rather than outright "opposition", I'm not here to say fuck the polis fuck the guild. Never claimed I was objective. I had little to do with Valhalla since I wasn't even in there at the time of the screencap incident, and my mentioning it was due to it being eerily similar to what you claimed this thread was doing. Why is criticism of moderators seen as a "threat" to the site? Furthermore, why is it that I'm somehow undermining authority by doing so? Or anyone else? It's this kind of thinking that got us here in the first place. Seems rather counterproductive. [/quote] It’s not a negative term, just a neutral descriptor for those criticizing or opposed to actions of the staff which I have denoted as the “authority”. It’s easier to discuss things than writing some convoluted sentence, lol. As for why critique (unconstructive or constructive) is problematic for the scope of the site, I’ve explained that above in my ‘domino effect’ point. But to sum it up, actions have reactions and despite the intent of ones critique the dialogue presents a challenging issue when its effect could be diminutive to the site’s integrity. Sowing dissent, discrediting staff, and creating a narrative that the staff have made questionable or unjustified decisions can be dangerous. See my talking point for a larger reason for my perspective as a user of the site regarding this.