[quote=@Etcetera] The point of the redone levels was to call back to older Sonics, whereas Mania 2 will probably be only brand new stages. But they remixed the old levels instead of just ripping them; it has levels from Sonic 1 and 3 as well because it's a tribute game as well as its own title. The bonus stage system for chaos emeralds is brand new and inspired by Sonic CD's 3D grapics, whereas the 50 rings checkpoint bonus is Blue Sphere because Blue Sphere is literally the best of the original 3 emerald stages. It's also a ton of fun (and there are thousands of blue sphere stages that can be played on the original cartridges). Things that are really good include polished controls, beautiful graphics, awesome new stages, fun bonuses, and nostalgia factor that blows Generations out of the water. It's also just a better game since the controls are so tight and it adheres to the formula that made the original games so successful (that you don't like for some reason). Even Arin said Mania was fun and he doesn't like Sonic at all. It seems like you're just looking for reasons to blindly dislike 2D Sonic when in all cases, it's revered far more than 3D Sonic ever has been. Also, choose a case out of the list on the previous page. [/quote] Pretty sure Mania was originally a fan game they made canon, so that would give you literally no standing ground, and Arin says lots of shit about Sonic, including that he likes Unleashed even though he's playing the wii version. Tight controls on a 2d sonic game aren't something new, the Advance games had really good controls. And Mania 2? The idea that they're already planning a sequel speaks against it's quality and in favor of it being a nostalgia cash grab. Yeah the orbs might have been the best of the originals but why is it not something new and BETTER than those three horrible minigames? It's revered more because people have nostalgia for it and most 3d games were either buggy or never given a full chance because people just wanted more 2d games. The best 2d sonic games are fan made or not sonic games. Generations shouldn't have happened because it ruined so many things to the different lines of canon and really just rehashed older games, like Mania is doing at least in part. I don't like 2d Sonic when it isn't able to stand on it's own, which it hasn't been able to since Advance 2, and THAT had such cheaply done spritework that if you weren't speedrunning it would become noticeable and distracting. Sonic 4's biggest problem was that it was in two parts.