His eyes might have been more accustomed to the dark, but he could not see her face clearly. Instead, his hands behind his head, he decided to stare at the ceiling as they spoke. Her rough, yet honeyed voiced from the side made it seem as if she lay just next to him. It helped him imagine he wasn't locked in a cage like an animal, at least. He grinned at her comment of excitement. She must have quite the imagination if she was thinking of their daring escape so much. Most would be positively bored in these cells. "In the grand scheme of things, not too far," he said with a hope. "Closer than Skyrim, at least. Perhaps when we escape, I take you there?" He said, shifting from within the folds of his tattered blanket. He would need to tell her that he wasn't exactly welcome back in his home city of Skaven anymore, but as the old saying goes in Hammerfell. 'A warrior takes everything as a challenge. The ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse.' Suddenly, he tensed very slightly, footsteps reaching his keen ears. He sat up on his elbow, listening as the very real sound of someone approaching came nearer. It was to his relief and...curiosity that an elder had sought to come by and relight the torch. He mumbled a facetious 'thank you' in his native Yoku language. At her comment at the keys, he shrugged his bare shoulders. "Aye, but that's life eh?" He said, a sly look on his face. The young man ran a hand through his thick, dark hair. With a grunt, he pulled himself closer a bit. He rested his arms on the bars of his cage door, in turn resting his chin on his arm so he could simply watch her as she loosened her hair. "Now that sounds good to me. A soft place to sleep too. Perhaps if we find a knife or two I can dazzle you with a few tricks." He thought aloud. He gazed upwards as he thought. "I've not done it in awhile though..."