The Hoplites stand almost stock still as the enemy begin to pour from the gate, unorganized and severely lacking in any thought out formation. The horsehair on their helmets sway slightly in the breeze, the dirt shifting slightly under the hafts of their spears. They are arranged five deep each rank a pace apart from each other the files standing shoulder to shoulder. From the third rank Bane looks over the men from his position in the third rank and cannot find even a hint of fear. His men stand completely undaunted by the cries of the horde. A small grin spreads across the stern mans face before his helmet slides over his head. His voice rings out over his formation. [color=007236]"Look at them men. Look at the horde. Hear their cries. Those are the cries of terrified men who know they charge to their death. We are the Legion of the dead and we shall know no fear!"[/color] [color=a36209]"HRAGH!"[/color] [color=007236]"They have no discipline, we are discipline! They fear death, WE ARE DEATH INCARNATE!"[/color] [color=a36209]"HRAGH!"[/color] [color=007236]"Remember this day men! For it will be yours in this life and the next! For all time! And all shall know that you stood at the battle of the Maw and did not give an inch of ground! All know that you stared death in the face and spat in his eye. For the Legion! For the Rigante!" [/color] [color=a36209]"HRAGH!"[/color] The horde draws closer, the stern eyes of the hoplites meeting the wild adrenaline crazed eyes of their enemies. Their chests already heaving as the distance grows smaller by the second. [color=007236]"Form up!"[/color] Shields clang and spears lower presenting a nigh impenetrable looking wall of steel and spear. The phalanx is perfect, textbook. The men stand shoulder to shoulder covering each other with their large circular shields, their spears at a near uniform height. [color=007236]"Hold! Hold!"[/color] One last time before the battle is joined his eyes flick up and down the ranks of his allies. None seem cowed, none seem likely to break. And then the battle is joined and all thought is drowned out by the deafening clash of steel on steel and the screams of dying men.