There we go. [@Pyromaniacwolf] Yupp, new place. I'll say it is possible to get through by foot, buuuuut it's inconvenient. Feel free to grab a free canoe. They're basically everywhere. Haha. [@Project] You're... yeah, you were just training, and the random-die/my whim combo decided nothing else happened. So, onwards with you. [@Eklispe][@Pikmin Eye] Yeah, in your case, the battle continues. ... Hm. Tell me if there are any issues, otherwise, onwards. Haha. Edit: Added a little about bubbles moving. [@Joshua Tamashii] That's a lot of things that happened to you in a row, feel free to say if you change your action at any of those stages. But, otherwise, there you go. [@Rune_Alchemist] That was fun to write. Anyways. Hector's the kind to just randomly decide rules as he goes along. He may have over-done the final challenge, so he's offering that you can borrow some of Anise's Pokémon to get a full team. Of course, being him, he says so out of the blue and in a confusing way. Anise because, heh, you beat her, you'd know her Pokémon. Up to Claire how she'll react to that, though. Haha.