[color=crimson]"Yes... indeed"[/color] Aenor said with a cautious smile [color=crimson]"Well it's a pleasure meeting you Dragos, I'm sure we'll get along famously. Or infamously, considering our line of work and the pair of you being big bad vampires."[/color] Although considering that they work in the shadows and everyone they met ended up dead, fame may be a little hard to acquire. At least for them individually, she had no doubt that word of the Brotherhood as an organization itself would spread like wildfire soon enough. Although luckily for Aenor fame wasn't something she had ever been particularly interested in. Turning to Alexi she said [color=crimson]"Speaking of big bad vampires when do we leave and go meet the rest of our little family?"[/color] The family was turning to be quite larger than first impressions made it seem, Aenor thought pleasantly surprised. Alaus was going to comment further and make more disparaging remarks to Gur until Kraven came in. Afterall, his name was Alaus but the fact remained that he was also a pure born Altmer. And [i]he[/i] might be called 'Gur', such a stereotypically savage name, but he was also one of the Orismer whether he liked it or not. Regardless, he drank down the rest of his Colovian while Kraven discussed that his sister would be coming to Dawnstar with the other half of the Guild. Bother. The place was going to end up rather cramped with people. Maybe one of them migh be a mage. Perhaps one of them has respect for the old ways. It was a stretch and Alaus knew it, he had been disappointed by his fellow mages for the last several hundred years and knew what to expect of them by now, but still the hope remained. With that faint hope he sighed [color=blueviolet]"I look forward to meeting them'[/color].