King Tarquin VI of House Heartwroth walked through the pristine marble halls and ornate decadent rooms of Nighthaven Citadel with a small entourage of advisors behind him trying to catch his attention with state matters. While important, they weren't on Tarquin's mind at the moment as he was taking it upon himself to inspect the rooms of Nighthaven to make sure everything was suitable for his guests and the plans he had for them. Of course he didn't need to do this himself and he was assured many times that everything had been made suitable, Tarquin nonetheless decided that since he had spent a large amount of the state treasury on Nighthaven, as well as man other personal projects, he should inspect everything for himself. "Sir" Arthur Wraith, the King's right hand and Chancellor, was one o he advisors trying to get his attention. Tarquin trusted Wraith with his life as he had served his father and the kingdom faithfully for many years. But he was far too busy at the moment for whatever the man wanted to tell him. "...Sir!" Eventually Tarquin gave in [color=Orange]"I'm busy Arthur, what is it that you want from me?"[/color] "I just wanted to inform you sire that your first guests will be arriving in an hour. I recommend that you change from your morning court attire into your introductory court attire." [color=orange]"Ah, thank you Wraith. I'll go now and then await our guests"[/color]