Genevieve stared blankly at the small girl, thinking immediately that perhaps she had acquired a stowaway and glossing over the SE emblem on her chest. "Assuming the ship is still in system, a fact of which we cannot truly be certain of Corporal Carlyle, our current rules of engagement as per First Division Reactionary Fleet protocol, is to destroy with extreme prejudice. Due to the size of the ship and assumed capabilities, we expect to expend half of the Yoshino's ammunition stores in the sortie. So to answer your question, and the likely followup, it will be immediately when we exit hyperspace and there will be no salvaging operations." Of course, she had already explained as much to the Adept with the augmetic eyes. He wasn't pleased about it, but he accepted her judgement regardless. Carlyle did bring up a good point however, and it was one that she herself had pointed out when she got the assignment. They had no way of tracking the ship, no knowledge of if the ship was still there, or where it was if not, and more damning to the mission at hand; she wasn't even sure if their weapons could damage it. Dozens of faces stared at her and expected some kind of answer better than what she had been given, and so she did what she did best. "You are correct that the capabilities of the alien vessel are quite unknown, and that we are running into a sortie blinded and perhaps even crippled without knowing it. However, the Yoshino is an old ship and battle-hardened by the Reformation. What's more, is that she's captained by two of UNISEC's most experienced captains in the fleet, one of whom has experience in dealing with alien threats. It's a pretty big bitch of a ship, this alien one, but we'll take her out. We've got enough missiles on board to take down a star-dreadnought, and the stealth capabilities to do it unseen." A bit more than what command had actually said to her, but she knew it would do to talk up the ship they were all fighting on. The Yoshino did have the stealth tech and the missiles, it was just a matter of putting them on target. As long as the rest of the crew could focus more on that than the absolute unknown of this mission, then she could see it done. After that, she would give them a piece of her mind for throwing out such a shit mission at her.