[@Vicier] I don't have a theme song yet, but I think I've got all the fields straight. I adapted a previous character from a previous roleplay. I hope that's okay. [hider=Noel Dunbar, Son of Poseidon][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/9YiUOeD.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Ri0LSNJ.gif[/img][color=2c2e2e].[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pPPAVtw.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2ei97pc.gif[/img][/center] [sup][h3][color=#adb0c3]general information[/color][/h3][/sup]––––––––––––––––––––– [indent][sub]♆ [color=adb0c3]name[/color] ⇾ Noel James Dunbar ♆ [color=adb0c3]nicknames[/color] ⇾ Dunbar / Barry / Dunce ♆ [color=adb0c3]gender[/color] ⇾ Male ♆ [color=adb0c3]species[/color] ⇾ Demigod ♆ [color=adb0c3]occupation[/color] ⇾ Full-Time Camper ♆ [color=adb0c3]age[/color] ⇾ Twenty ♆ [color=adb0c3]birthday[/color] ⇾ 25th of December ♆ [color=adb0c3]place of origin[/color] ⇾ Inverness, Scotland ♆ [color=adb0c3]camp cabin[/color] ⇾ Cabin Three[/sub] [sub]♆ [color=adb0c3]appearance[/color] ⇾ Dunbar has amenable features: a strong jaw, a small nose, and thick, often-furrowed brows. He's pale – pallid, if one were feeling unkind – and almost washed out in colouring; a dull brunet with ghostly white skin that grows ruddy only on the coldest of days. Dunbar would be otherwise unremarkable were it not for a pair of twinkling baby blues, described to him as "the part you should be showing off". His reaction to hearing this, in his late teens, was to swap out his contacts for a pair of thick-rimmed glasses that he is seldom seen without. In fact, Dunbar's natural aversion to positive attention is showcased in numerous ways. He often wears outfits that mask the athleticism of years spent at Camp Half-Blood, such as jumpers and cardigans over shirts and even tweed jackets which age him prematurely. (Of course, the 'vintage' that is Dunbar's preferred style also includes leather jackets and vest tops and he would be lying if he didn't own some of those, too.)[/sub][/indent] [hr] [sup][h3][color=#adb0c3]relationship information[/color][/h3][/sup]–––––––––––––––––––––––––– [indent][sub]♆ [color=adb0c3]status[/color] ⇾ Single ♆ [color=adb0c3]sexuality[/color] ⇾ Heterosexual ♆ [color=adb0c3]partner[/color] ⇾ None ♆ [color=adb0c3]ex-partner[/color] ⇾ Aliyah Hassan, Daughter of Aphrodite (Deceased) ♆ [color=adb0c3]father[/color] ⇾ Ποσειδῶν - Poseidon, God of the Sea ♆ [color=adb0c3]mother[/color] ⇾ Eleanor Leroy, 51 (Equestrian) ♆ [color=adb0c3]siblings[/color] ⇾ /// ♆ [color=adb0c3]legacy[/color] ⇾ Βορέας - Boreas, the North Wind ♆ [color=adb0c3]pets[/color] ⇾ [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5b/3d/f0/5b3df034ee7888a7488b92427c6b80b7--pretty-horses-beautiful-horses.jpg]Ransom[/url] ♆ [color=adb0c3]other[/color] ⇾ /// [/sub][/indent] [hr] [sup][h3][color=#adb0c3]personal information[/color][/h3][/sup]–––––––––––––––––––––– [indent][sub]♆ [color=adb0c3]personality[/color] ⇾ At his best, Dunbar is an extrovert with a surprisingly large sphere of influence; someone who is content to kick back and relax with anyone in or out of his inner circle without prejudice or ulterior motives. He has a sharp mind for remembering birthdays, likes and dislikes, favourite foods and movies – everything that could be important to someone – which somehow makes him worthy of praise as a “good friend”. There is, as always, a rub: for all Dunbar cares to recall what is important to others, he is notoriously tight-lipped about himself and what he’s like as a person. They’ll have to pry information about his life from his cold dead hands, with the arm’s length he holds others at being a throwback to a time before Camp Half-Blood when the simplest of pleasures were vulnerabilities to be exploited. [i]Noel[/i] was mocked too many times in the school of hard knocks for him to ever feel comfortable with hearing it, but if he introduces himself as [i]Barry[/i], nobody will ever know that he has a goofy first name. Similarly, few are aware of his passions, as he is a chameleon happy to go along with whatever someone else has planned and pretend for however long it takes that he's equally interested in it. As a result, Dunbar falls into a pack mentality easier than most. Should someone in his group of friends tell him to jump, he'll ask 'how high?' If everyone else were to jump off a cliff, he'd go with them. This is even more evident when it comes to the old-fashioned machismo that has been instilled in him from a young age. How can he back down from a dare? In fact, how could he ever show weakness of any kind in front of his associates? ([i]Girls are the ones who are allowed to share their problems[/i], he thinks, [i]not him[/i]. [i]Funny that he doesn't hold others, even other boys, to the same stony catechism that he himself subscribes to[/i].) There is no getting around the fact that Dunbar grew up rich and privileged, but he avoided the pitfalls of becoming a toffee-nosed brat. Quite the opposite is true. Perhaps it was the difficulties of his upbringing: his mother's anger at throwing his education down the drain after his third expulsion; the hammered-in reminder of him being in some way deficient, since he was in remedial classes in school; the understanding that - in her household - he was no good, a waste of the nine months spent bearing him. Dunbar thinks little of himself as a natural result of belittlement, and each expected failure is just further reinforcement for what he already thinks is true. His victories are 'flukes', are 'no big deal', are 'things that anyone else could have done better'. It's not humility that has him say these things but rather a deep, ingrained belief that all his Mum says is true. Though Dunbar would have one believe that there's nothing particularly wholesome about him, it isn't true. His greatest virtue is that he has a real need to stick up for those on the bottom. It is far from a rare occurrence to see him take under his wing the freshest recruits of Camp Half-Blood, especially those who do not immediately float when thrown in at the deep end of non-stop physical activity and violence. Now leaving his teenage years behind, he's proven to be a good influence on the homesick and lonely kids, especially those left in the limbo of Cabin Six, but even when he was younger he had a natural talent for collecting misfits and the misunderstood. Just because his perception of himself is so flawed that he cannot believe that anyone would ever see him in a positive light doesn't erase the fact that he has friends that care about him to the same extent as he does for them. Dunbar is protective of not just the underdog but anyone who he perceives that he is responsible for, which includes friends, family, allies, acquaintances, strangers, the entire world – okay, perhaps not that far, but it's a near thing. Some would call him fearless, others foolhardy, but in truth he is merely forgetful when it comes to his own safety, which pales in importance to the continued well-being of those around him. His self-flagellation has ramped up into overdrive since the death of his girlfriend and it is his inaction on that occasion that haunts him into the present day. His reasoning of being so careless with his own health is that he fears the preventable loss of someone, anyone he cares about and so will stop at nothing to avoid experiencing said helplessness again, even at the cost of his own life. Dunbar thinks himself a selfish wretch because his motivations aren't altruistic; he wants to prevent his own future suffering. ♆ [color=adb0c3]likes[/color] ⇾ Swimming in ice-cold bodies of water, up to and including The Arctic Sea. ⇾ Spending Christmas (and, incidentally, his birthday) with family and friends. ⇾ Teaching – helping out new campers with sparring, but also in general. ⇾ Regular mortal sports. Why does nobody ever play football in Camp Half-Blood? ⇾ The stuff one learns in Boy Scouts; survival safety, tying knots, etc. ♆ [color=adb0c3]dislikes[/color] ⇾ People who smile too often. They're faking it, for sure. ⇾ Dry, sunny weather, or anywhere where there isn't much precipitation per annum. ⇾ Classroom environments and learning through lectures. (He always was a bit of a delinquent). ⇾ The whole idea of Quests, especially when given out to children. Also being reminded of his last one. ⇾ Ridiculous age restrictions on the purchase of alcohol that make Anarchy palatable. ♆ [color=adb0c3]hobbies[/color] ⇾ Sports and athletics. ⇾ Pub quizzing (no Children of Athena allowed). ⇾ Skipping stones. ♆ [color=adb0c3]strengths[/color] ⇾ Dunbar is a natural athlete and is fairly good at (and enjoys) anything that tests his physical strength, speed and stamina. His mental endurance is just as strong and he is very, very good at ignoring momentary pain in the present once the adrenaline kicks in. Sports he's good at – other than the water-related ones at which he would have even more of an unnatural advantage – include football, track, and horse-racing. Though he is no Child of Ares, Dunbar has proven himself in close-quarters combat to be decently talented, especially as he is not afraid to use trickery or under-handed tactics to defeat an enemy stronger than him. He's able to discern vulnerabilities and weak spots with a sharp mind and the will to keep on fighting until everyone is safe. His style, using a sword and shield but mostly the latter, makes him good at protecting others. Dunbar has various survival skills that have helped him before on Quests, and for them he can thank the Boy Scouts. Things like orienteering and navigation, fishing, wilderness survival and so on. He's also very good at tying knots. His time in the Boy Scouts also inspired an interest in BSL, which he is fluent in, and ASL, which he's making a good attempt at learning. ♆ [color=adb0c3]weaknesses[/color] ⇾ Dunbar is not very book-smart. He struggles to acquire knowledge if it isn't learned through repetitive actions and is much better at rattling off general information and fun facts than he is answering questions from a textbook. His education is similarly shoddy, especially when it comes to basic maths and the rules of grammar. (Often he'll be seen convincing younger demigods that 'school isn't all that,' and 'nobody actually [i]needs[/i] it.') Cruel reminders of Aliyah Hassan––"the most beautiful woman who ever lived" according to Dunbar––are everywhere. They have left him a bit of an anxious wreck, reaching for the cigarettes whenever he recalls that she is no longer alive, and that history has an awful habit of repeating itself. Dunbar is generally over-protective and more than a little paranoid when it comes to the health of those he considers his responsibility, which is just about everyone. Some of Dunbar's abilities are not under his control, and he does tend to bottle-up his emotions until they explode, causing unintended side-effects. Camp Half-Blood experienced three solid weeks of rain after he returned from his last quest. The surface of a lake he was standing near froze over when he last had an argument with his best friend. Similarly, they do not always come to his aid when he needs them most.[/sub][/indent] [indent][sub]♆ [color=adb0c3]biography[/color] ⇾ Noel James Dunbar – 'Barry' as he is known to his friends – is the son of a world-class French athlete in the sport of dressage. Eleanor Leroy, who was at the time married to a wealthy landowner in the north of Scotland, spent little time at home with her husband and instead traveled the world on her inheritance and the prize money from numerous competitions. Dunbar can only assume that it was during this time when she met the God of the Sea and had an affair, but really, he doesn't want to know anything more than that. To give the man credit, his "father" never questioned that his supposed son looked nothing like him and treated him as he did his own blood: [i]not well[/i]. Still, he would take his Dad's cold disinterest to his overbearing Mum's meddling in his life. A true narcissist, Noel was a reflection of herself: to see him failing in his classes, behind other children his age in reading and writing was cataclysmic to her image. After uprooting him from the first of three private schools at the age of eight, she grew only more irate as he acted up in the following institutions until he was expelled from the first and suspended (twice) from the second. [i]It wasn't his fault[/i], Dunbar insisted. He could never adapt to the cliquishness of the boarding schools which his mother paid for; an outspoken kid unwilling to stand injustice, precocious in many areas other than the academic. That was quickly stamped out of him. Dunbar was escorted to Camp Half-Blood by satyrs when he began to present as a demigod at age eleven. The journey was not without encounters, but ultimately it was not as rocky as some others had it. Proving himself an absentee father, Poseidon did not claim him as his son for two years. It was a shame when it did finally happen: the other uncategorised miscreants of the Hermes Cabin had become his friends over the summers, and some of those friendships withered when he was understood to be a child of the Big Three. After he was claimed and moved into his own room in Cabin Three, Dunbar became a full-time resident of the camp. Eventually he stopped sending letters home entirely. A naturally-talented combatant, Dunbar made friends with those who spent most of their free time sparring and those who needed extra help alike. It took him a long time to acclimatise to the carefree nature of the camp where competition was (mostly) friendly and people were (mostly) good sports. One of his first friends was Aliyah Hassan, a Daughter of Aphrodite with a wicked-sharp wit and an affinity for the spear. Though he was smitten by her supernatural beauty, he was not aware of his feelings being requited until he was sixteen, at which point the natural progression of events led to [i]puppy love[/i] of the most nauseating sort. When Aliyah received a quest, there was no question of who would accompany her. So began one of the most arduous journeys of his life on a mission that purportedly spanned oceans. Nobody knows for sure, but the gritty details of the quest are unknown to all but the Dunbar, the third member of their party, and the Camp Director they reported back to. Though the parameters were fulfilled and the gods satisfied, Aliyah did not return with them, having faced up to mortal peril and succumbed to her injuries on the road. The quest was several years ago now. For a time, Dunbar was standoffish, then he was snappish, but eventually as the stages of grief hit him hard one by one, he returned to a state that was as close to 'normal' as he would ever be again. Even if he's more cautious than he used to be and still flinches at the mention of the event (or anyone involved), he laughs easier now and takes part in camp activities instead of skiving off when nobody is looking. Right now, all Dunbar dreads is the thought of another quest gone wrong. [/sub][/indent] [hr] [sup][h3][color=#adb0c3]demigod abilities[/color][/h3][/sup]–––––––––––––––––– [indent][sub]♆ [color=adb0c3]hydrokinesis[/color] ⇾ The bread and butter of any child of Poseidon's skillset, Dunbar is no light-weight when it comes to commanding vast amounts of liquid with sweeping gestures, either summoning it from his surroundings or – given enough motive – conjuring it from thin air. His hydrokinesis manifests in his mastery over water: he can breathe in it and allow allies to do the same; his natural stamina, strength and endurance is massively increased in water; and numerous other off-shoots limited only by how imaginative one can be with the element itself. ♆ [color=adb0c3]cryokinesis[/color] ⇾ As a child of Poseidon from a legacy of Boreas (via his grandfather's lineage) Dunbar finds it easier to create and control ice than many of his half-siblings do and even prefers it to water. Sometimes this happens accidentally during periods of extreme emotion – mainly anger – with hoarfrost creeping up the windows and walls. He is a member of the Coney Island Polar Bear Club as of December of last year due to his resistance to the cold. Arctic waters are even [i]pleasant[/i] to him. Dunbar prefers creating objects out of solid ice to using cryokinesis to produce hail or snowstorms. ♆ [color=adb0c3]call of the sea[/color] ⇾ Dunbar has the power of empathy linked with all creatures within Poseidon's domain, which includes sea creatures (both mundane and mythical) and horses. He can call them to his aid in times of need and, more than that, can even communicate complex commands to them. ♆ [color=adb0c3]atmokinesis[/color] ⇾ A control over the weather, storms. Generally this comes into effect in coastal regions. Once more, Boreas's lineage comes in handy and thus his rainstorms are more frigid, sometimes even flurries of snow. Other weather events that Dunbar has created in the past include fog, mist and a hurricane, once. ♆ [color=adb0c3]geokinesis[/color] ⇾ Though far weaker than a Child of Hades, Dunbar can exert some control over the earth. Unfortunately, anything requiring fine control is beyond him. With his level of geokinesis, he can theoretically make fissures and cracks in the earth and even summon minor earthquakes. 'Theoretical,' of course, because Dunbar wouldn't even know how to begin with testing it out. [/sub][/indent] [hr] [sup][h3][color=#adb0c3]weaponry[/color][/h3][/sup]–––––––––– [indent][sub]♆ [color=adb0c3]weapon(s)[/color] ⇾ κῆτος (Cetus); a perfectly round, Celestial Bronze shield adorned with what appears to be a spiraling sea serpent from the center outwards. Though in its basic form it is small and light-weight, it can expand large enough to shield an average man and several companions from a hail of arrows to a fireball. Cetus can be thrown at enemies in its smaller form and will always return to Dunbar's side. When it comes to his sword, it is a standard Celestial Bronze weapon without any special traits. It does not yet have a name, because it is Dunbar's third blade and he has a nasty habit of forgetting them after being disarmed. [/sub][/indent] [hr] [sup][h3][color=#adb0c3]playlist[/color][/h3][/sup]––––––– [indent][sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0LNhIaGAUw]Greg Laswell - Comes and Goes (In Waves)[/url][/sub] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUnZR5Ip2Wk]Winterbourne - To Get To Know You[/url][/sub] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6mMmGIs53I]Ninja Sex Party - Wish You Were Here[/url][/sub][/indent][/hider]