Hello! I'm looking for some roleplaying myself. None of your proposed plots immediately caught my eye. However, your genres did. ~o~0~o~ [color=gold][b]About myself:[/b][/color] 25, engineering student, so I'll get busy, but two posts a week in a 1x1 shouldn't be horrible. I'm [i]not[/i] looking for smut, but not opposed to romance, should it evolve naturally. I've written a few long posts in the past; I think my average tends toward 4-5 paragraphs. My primary problem with roleplaying is having to read 4-5 really long posts in a row in a group RP that's moving quickly. I tend to forget the overarching plot and need to write summaries for myself in those cases. I absolutely adore character creation and world-building, almost to a fault. It's been a little while for me, as well. I, too, do not want to be pulled off this site. I subscribe to the Shriver perspective; if I limited myself to my own experience, all I could write about is a college girl struggling to do her damn thermo homework. If I want to actually [i]write[/i], I need to empathize and imagine. My point is that I have no qualms playing male or female. [hider=I love sci-fi.][u]Books:[/u] Pandora's Star (and the rest of the Commonwealth Saga) by Peter F. Hamilton Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams The Expanse by James S.A. Corey The Martian by Andy Weir The Time Machine by H.G. Wells The Time Ships by Stephen Baxter Foundation series by Isaac Asimov Arthur C. Clarke, in general Watchmen (do we include superheroes?) [u]Videogames:[/u] Command and Conquer (all) Mass Effect Achron Supreme Commander Anno 2070 Battlefield 2142 Kerbal Space Program (I have, like, 1000+ hours) Half Life Portal Elite: Dangerous Freelancer Sins of a Solar Empire Space Station 13 (Yogstation) [u]Tabletop:[/u] Shadowrun [though my group never got past character creation! :(] Paranoia [u]Movies and TV:[/u] The Expanse Stargate (all, but ranking: SG-1, Universe, SG:A) Back to the Future Primer [Marvel basically everything] <- bit of a Black Widow fangirl Star Wars Star Trek (all, but ranking: TNG, Voyager, Enterprise, DS9) [also Chris Pine] Interstellar Alien, Aliens, Prometheus, Covenant Jurassic Park 5th Element Bounty Killer (does post-apocalypse count?) Moon Firefly Men In Black[/hider] Thrillers, action, horror, the occasional drama, World War II and the Cold War, and witty comedies are some of my other favorites. I like crossovers, roleplaying as the crew of spaceships, some fantasy, and occasionally a superhero thing. [b][color=gold]Proposal:[/color][/b] [color=silver](Please indulge some sentence fragments)[/color] Cyberpunk noir? Shady supercorps acting on against species interests, to the discomfort of all (including top execs?). AI-myth that may not be a myth. Cyber-janitors. Really big buildings. Random dieselpunk elements - 8-block square arcologies, built when the future was a hopeful thing. Picture 1930's visions of the future. Older tech follows dieselpunk lines? Interesting symbolism - hearkens back to "golden age", but now dirty, disused, and shady. Modern buildings are slimmer, glowier, with more glass, steel, and holoscreens. Needs development. Worldbuilding. Characters. An actual, more concrete, plot. Perhaps adapt one of yours? Overall, a dystopic cyberpunk city built on the aging guts of an optimistic dieselpunk one, with deeper mysteries lurking behind every netpoint. Those that poke too deeply into the darkness tend to never be heard from again, for one reason or another, but if you're careful, you can make a living doing merc work. Random bits of inspiration pulled from Shadowrunner, google image search, The Expanse, and Lovecraftian, deep, dark mystery-holes that shouldn't be poked. [color=gray]Frakkin' heck, that was a lot of words. Maybe I should've PM'd.[/color]