Kod, the headless, took notice of the travelers for more than their skulls. [color=ed1c24]"So... You are travelers? Escorts and traders... What makes you think you can just wander through here without paying tribute to the king of these lands? Tribute to king Kod!" [/color]The sound seemed to come from the creatures nearby rather than from the biggest of the creatures. He gestured his hand up. The darkness now seemed to isolate Kod, the caravan and the road from the rest of the world. The many corpses now also laid in the deep shade. When Kod turned his hand back towards him, he noticed a few strange children among the band of merchants and soldiers. The creatures that had hunted and offered to Kod now rose to the skies again. Kor engaged the large creature in conversation: "Eehh.. yes. We ..eh.. we came to say hi and pay tribute before we move on. I think there's little we could really offer you, though." Merl yelled from the cart: "Don't say that! You've got plenty to offer!" It had become clear that Merl had no idea what exactly either of the gentlemen were talking about but wanted to try and contribute somehow. Kod would listen to what the others still had to ask or say, even if his patience was already running low. [color=ed1c24] "Does anyone else feel like talk unanounced or uninvited?!" [/color] Felnor rose his hand. Sargom followed by example. [color=ed1c24] "Well then, you are in luck! Step forward and do your say!" [/color] The rest of the travelers stood in shock and awe as the creature seemed to speak from all directions, though his body moved not and showed no signs of energy or sentience.