[b]Prince Daemon Targaryen[/b] [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6106/8429e6971cc06f4541dc1cecbfcbfb8212c92b10_hq.jpg[/img] [b]Seat: Dragonstone[/b] [b]Crownlands[/b] [img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/a/a5/Dragonstone.jpg/350px-Dragonstone.jpg[/img] [u][i]Dragonstone- Ancient Seat of House Targaryen[/i][/u] [b]bio[/b] The younger brother of King Viserys Targaryen, Daemon was ever rash and headstrong. He always loved Viserys well and served him for many years on his small council. Daemon's early life involved touring the teeming masses of humanity in Flea Bottom, where his face was familiar to every landlord, crook and whore from a young age. He was knighted on his sixteenth nameday and presented with [i]Dark Sister[/i] his own Valyrian Steel sword. A rogue he may have been but childhood was tinged with sadness too; his younger brother, Aegon was killed in a fall from the Red Keep when only four. Daemon had teased his brother that to become a dragonrider, you had to leap from a high window and your dragon would catch you, or you would die. In all honesty, his jape may have had nought to do with the young prince's demise but it's a truth he's never spoken to anyone since and the guilt has never diminished. Once of age, he married early. Wed to Rhea Royce, a noble House in the Vale of Arryn but he grew bored of life there and especially of her precious honour and insistance upon his being courtly and chivalrous in her presence. He made arrangements to be ever distant from her until he essentially came to pretend she didn't exist whatsoever, referring to her as his 'bronze bitch'- a mockery of the metal associated with her House's heritage. In the 101AC Great Council, he supported his brother, Viserys' claim to be Jaehaerys' heir. His Lord father, Baelon, was Jaehaerys' brother and heir but had died earlier that year. With Viserys as heir, Daemon was next in line to the throne. Jaehaerys duly dies two years later and Viserys came to be King in late 103AC. In a Tourney early the next year, Daemon was bested twice in combat by Ser Criston Cole. He asked Viserys as king to set aside his first marriage and grant an annulment. In this, Viserys refused so, instead, Daemon took office in Kings Landing as Master of Coin. This way, he didn't have to return to the Vale or to Rhea. He fared averagely in his new office but was still brash and had little patience for affairs of state. Ser Otto Hightower, Hand of the King begged Daemon be removed from the small council. He was tried in other roles, Master of Laws was even more tedious and he lasted half a year before Viserys appointed him Head of the City Watch. At this, Daemon found his calling. He knew the seedy underbelly of Flea Bottom as well as any and in the prostitute, Mysaria, he found a mistress of Whispers who could find out every secret plot and scheme within the City Walls (and oft without). Naturally, he took her to his bed, a beautiful Lyseni tutored in the Seven Sighs and, as Daemon would attest, tutored very well indeed. Crime fell sharply during his tenure but, not for the first nor the last time, his mouth would land him in trouble. Ser Otto Hightower (ironically) first broached the notion that Viserys should name his daughter, and only child, Rhaenyra as his heir. Daemon, it was felt, was far too rash and hot-tempered to make a worthy King. Viserys privately agreed but hoped a son might come along and save the issue coming up at all. When a son did come, little Prince Baelon followed his mother to the grave within a day and Viserys was left bereft. When word reached him that Prince Daemon had been heard on the Street of Sisters, drinking a mock toast to young Baelon "The Heir for a Day!" He had endured enough insult to officially declare Rhaenyra his preferred Heiress. Already the precocious little Princess could be seen at court or riding her dragon, Syrax across Blackwater Rush. Daemon fled Kings Landing enraged. He took Mysaria with him and absolutely annihilated her vagina back on Dragonstone. She loved it. The result was that she fell pregnant. As illegitimate as the child would be, it would be Daemon's firstborn and he presented Mysaria with a Dragon's egg and sent her to Lys where he hoped she would be beyond the King's reach. Viserys was angry and demanded the egg be returned but Mysaria's ship hit a storm and she lost the child and the egg. Or so it was reported... Angered at his brother and this latest 'loss', Daemon set out to win a crown of his own and after Mysaria (who reached Lys seemingly unharmed) wrote of the tyranny people suffered under the Triarchy (an alliance of Tyrosh, Lys and Myr- collectively known as the 'Stepstones') he aligned his power to Lord Corlyss Velaryon's fleet and joined upon the back of his dragon Caraxes. They won a great many victories and Daemon was reunited with Mysaria after two years apart to find a two-year-old baby girl and a 2 year old baby dragon- pale and grey like morning mist. Daemon knew the beast could scarce be kept indoors for long and once word spread there was a young single mother and her babe who had their own dragon on Lys... The risk was huge, he had made plentiful enemies. He left money for Mysaria and the babe who she had named Rhaenaya and took the dragon back to Dragonstone, releasing it over Dragonmont; in all the intervening years, he (or anyone else) has scarcely seen the creature- the smallfolk giving it the monicker 'The Grey Ghost'. His war nearly ended in complete triumph, by 109AC he declared himself King of the Stepstones having conquered all but two islands of the Triarchy yet his fortunes would again turn for the worst and in 111AC, having been smashed by a reserve Triarchic Fleet commanded by Racallio Ryndoon, he decided he was bored of ruling over rocks and birdshit. Ryndoon discovered Mysaria and Rhaenaya's true identities and put the mother to the sword. Rhaenaya, six years old by now, was rescued by neighbours loyal to Daemon and smuggled into the care of Lord Corlyss Velaryon (who had little notion of the child's significance but, being a man of honour and sworn to Dragonstone, it was into Daemon's keeping the child returned). Rhaenaya was a beautiful little girl and had no memory of Daemon as the man who took her dragon away, if she remembered a dragon at all she showed little sign of it; save that she spent her few days with him watching the Cannibal or Sheepstealer or that little silver one sweeping out over Blackwater Bay enthralled. [i]Little Silver one...? It couldn't be...[/i] Keen that his daughter's identity remained a secret and that she not bond with her lost friend anew, Daemon sent ravens to Winterfell, Casterly Rock, Highgarden, Riverrun, Storm's End and The Eyrie in the hope that they might foster a child who might make a courteous handmaiden for some highborn Lady. He said only that she was a 'refugee of war' and that she was Lyseni and called 'Aya', opting to ditch the most Targaryen part of her birthname. Each house, to his surprise, accepted the offer but no reply came quicker than the one from House Arryn. Lady Arryn was a maid of sixteen but had sent a falcon in place of a crow to expediate her response. Dubious of this haste, Daemon elected to place his trust in Jeyne Arryn, partly because her displeasure about his loud protestations about people of the Vale and his treatment of Jeyne's own Aunt Rhea Royce- the very wife he'd cruelly shunned. Arrangements were made and Aya has served at the Eyrie ever since; Daemon being the only soul alive to know her true identity. That year, he tried to make peace with Viserys by presenting his brother with his King of the Narrow Sea crown at a Tourney in King's Landing. Viserys accepted this token and let Daemon keep the crown. He was reinstated to the Small Council but quickly fell into his old ways on the Street of Silk and showed only contempt for Viserys' new Queen, Alicent Hightower and her sons who pushed him ever further down the line of succession. Instead, he spent more and more time with the Princess Rhaenyra, Viserys' heiress. As legend has it, he was found abed with his own niece and faced execution for treason. Criston Cole urged the severest punishment having served as the Princess' personal guard for nigh on a decade. Viserys was persuaded instead to opt for exile for Daemon and away he slunk to continue his neverending war on the Stepstones. He definitely nailed her though and y'know what? Totally worth it. 115AC was the death of Rhea Royce, Daemon was finally a free man. She was killed in a hunting accident. Despite his loud opinions about the Vale and how it bored him, he decided that he should claim Runestone- seat of House Royce for himself in her name and began a siege on the stronghold. Lady Jeyne Arryn immediately called the banners and despite his added advantage of a dragon, the threat of Viserys himself entering the conflict (Daemon being directly in contravention of his exile) was enough for him to abandon the claim. Jeyne Arryn officially banished him from the Vale indefinitely (technically making him doubly exiled from one Kingdom and singly exiled from the rest!) He was, by this point, not even Prince of Dragonstone- Rhaenyra earning the seat when Viserys made her heir. He was running out of allies but in old war buddy, Corlyss Velaryon on Driftmark, he had one. His eye soon fell on Lord Corlyss' comely daughter Laena and the two were wed. Viserys had never been asked his blessing so another slight was added to the many Daemon had already inflicted upon his brother. He took her with him to tour the free cities, still unwelcome in Westeros and in 116AC, Laena gave him twin girls; Baela and Rhaena. He never revealed the existence of his bastard daughter and, given Jeyne Arryn's detestation of him, had given up on staying in touch with Rhaenaya, by now an eleven year old and almost grown to womanhood. Writing to Viserys to request he present the girls at Court and earn the King's Blessing was bold but Viserys conceded fatherhood would have tempered his brother and consented. Rhaenyra married Laena's brother Laenor Velaryon - meaning his niece and former lover (if only for a night) was now also his sister by marriage. Laena betrothed the twins to the eldest boys of Rhaenyra and Laenor but sadly died in 120AC finally birthing Daemon a son, who was stillborn and grossly deformed. As ill-luck would have it 120AC was the year of the Red Spring. Laenor also died as did Harwin Strong, captain of Rhaenyra's personal guard and suspected true father of her three sons- none of whom looked like Laenor. In truth, Laenor was a gayer. He liked men and men's bottoms. Daemon paid Qarl Correy a great deal of money to court his brother-by-marriage and even more to slay him in the marketplace in Spicetown and disappear to Qarth to live out his days in luxury. Shame Qarl's galley was riddled with holes ad he never survived the voyage- sinking without a trace a little ways South of Driftmark... The tragedies left Rhaenyra and Daemon spouseless but with an unspoken yearning to once more reengage in pelvic explosions. Making a habit of not seeking Viserys' permission if the answer was like to be 'no', Daemon wed Rhaenyra in secret and they went on to have two sons together, Aegon (named for his tragically lost little brother) and Viserys (for his ever so quite severely annoyed at him older brother and King) Disappointingly, the following seven years saw Rhaenyra grow visibly old and stout. Five kids wrecks a chick yo. And late in 128AC the Princess announced she was with child once more. She is currently in her eighth month of pregnancy and confined to Dragonstone with Winter officially arrived. [img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/a/a9/Rhaenyra.jpg[/img] [i][u]Princess Rhaenyra is no longer quite so bangin'[/u][/i]