[color=ed1c24][b]Ace Makovich - Diner[/b][/color] The woman replied in a croaky and sullen voice. "Not that I know of, they thought I was dead..." She tried to laugh. "...They're gonna wish they were right once I'm done with 'em," She slurred her last few word. Ace nodded, and she continued “Very hospitable, for a wastelander," she noted idly. "I hope your 'friends' are as nice as you are." “Well just wanted make sure to see whether or not we should ready ourselves for a raid, can’t be too careful, especially out here.” Ace replied, “As far as Barney, the old man, he’s alright. It of an ass, plenty of attitude but he keeps folk in line. Besides he’s only getting the doctor.” Ace looked over the woman in front of him. It seemed her attackers had it easy, as she wore no armor. What caught his attention was the rifle she carried, it was an Institute rifle. Clearly it had been modified. That in itself might be a beacon for someone to attack. Most still remain wary of anything institute related, even though they had been destroyed two years ago. The woman looked a bit dazed, as she looked around as she asked where she was located. “You’re in Salem, small town north of Boston area. More mirelurk in the surrounding area than people, plus we have a Children of Atom infestation to the southeast.” As Ace answered the question, Steve walked in and referred to him as Acey. That was his childhood nickname, and he hated it. His face probably showed as much. Ace walked back behind the counter and grabbed two mugs. As he poured Steve a cup he responded, “Unless you’re my mother, don’t call me Acey.” Steve looked at the injured woman, “Another one? This is why I said the clinic should be moved to the first floor...." he sighed "I’ll carry you up there after I’ve had my coffee. “ Ace shook his head as he placed a mug and poured her some coffee, “What do you mean another one? Besides, no need to carry anyone. I sent Barney to go get the doc, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” As Ace stood there speaking to Steve, brandy walked in, setting her bag at the counter. He looked back at Steve, “By the way, there was some guy inquiring about the horse last night. I’d be careful if I was you.” As he said that to Steve, Brandy made her way over and introduced herself to the new guest. Ace felt Brandy was too trusting in people. Seeing them all as good, that is until they point a gun in your face. After all, the first thing Ace did when she walked in was to click the safety off on his pistol. Brandy excused herself, headed to the counter and motioned for Ace to come over. Ace walked over and she leaned in and asked him how breakfast was, “It was good, though eggs were burnt around the edges… Though I think we should talk about a certain someone breaking in, you could’ve just left note to come over, and I would’ve happily obliged…By the way, when you leave a place you’ve broken into, make sure to lock door on your way out. Also, i was just joking about flowers and chocolates but now that you mention it... no need to worry about such trivialities.” She mentioned a sign on top of the diner. Ace thought for a bit and aside from the diner sign, he couldn’t remember one being up there. Ace inquired as to what it said, and as soon as she told him, his eyes widened and he looked over at Steve. Ace wasn’t so mad at the fact, steve had put the sign, but the fact that he was up on his roof. Brandy walked over to Steve to confront him over the sign. Ace reached for his pocket, pulled the tine out and took one of the pills. He placed it back in his pocket and walked over o where Brandy was, “You put that sign on the roof of the diner? Do you own this diner? Did you ask Ace? Because it wasn’t up there earlier when I was here. That is unacceptable, go put that on you…Pleasure Den. That sign will make people leave, and what if they have children huh? You freely advertise drugs and other nasty things right there for everyone to see? That’s just wrong, you need to take that off of Ace’s diner…RIGHT NOW!!! It’s disgusting.” “Whoa, hold on a minute there. No one is going back up there yet. First of all you could’ve inquired before putting a sign on my roof. What if you had fallen? I’ve been meaning to reinforce it, and last thing I need is someone walking up there.” Ace said as he stood next to Brandy and placed his hands on her shoulders. He kissed her cheek, “Now you need to calm down, okay? Frown lines don’t suit that pretty face of yours. Don’t worry I’m sure Steve and I will come to an understanding.”