I think that there should be a little more openness in how the administration conducts their work. I understand that they don't want to foster huge drama and debate, but I feel as if keeping all moderator action on the down low isn't as conducive to a drama-less environment as one might expect. People sometimes want to ask why their friends were banned, or why some thread was closed, even if they aren't the direct target of administrative action: this kind of stuff is natural. People are naturally curious. People have friends that they care about. This shouldn't be discouraged. In fact, I think these kinds of questions should be answered. They don't have to answered in public, you can discuss these issues in PMs or DMs, but I think it is important not to leave naturally curious people in the dark. Leaving people grasping for answers only leaves them filling in the gaps, creating more hostility and allowing drama to fester and mutate, until it gets to a critical mass and . . . something bad happens. I would also think that having a clear, defined, and standardized way to categorize bans, thread locks, and other administrative actions would be key in alleviating some of the problems people see with the guild administration. Having just a simple form the administration could use to explain the who, what, when, where, and why of a given ban/threadlock would be much better than nothing. It would give the administration a way to be more accountable to themselves and others without having to divulge all the information. They can simply save a form that shows who was banned, why they were banned, what rules they broke, what evidence there is, and how long the ban goes for. I think that implementing a standard to how bans should be conducted, saving it somewhere, and sending privately it to both the target of the action and anyone who might be curious would be a much more efficient and open way to conduct bans. The same would go with bans on Discord. For thread closures, I would also urge a standardized way of tabulating the details of the closure. However, I would also urge that the form describing what rules were broken be posted directly on the thread for all to see, so as to not warrant suspicious regarding unnecessary thread closings and to elucidate what kind of behavior is not acceptable in a given sub-forum/thread.