[center] Rook – Rook's Shack [/center] Rook went with the man, he was in such a rush it felt almost unreal. He didn't understand why this person was in such a rush. He couldn't hear gunfire, shouting, or screaming, there was no stealth attack it seemed. Part of him was disappointed at this knowledge, the rest of him knew that this was better for the town if there was no attack. When he was shown the boat, told everything that the man wanted to do... He just paused. “Let Rook understand this... You want to pull over old boat to bring food to the town. Rook gets that, but why wake up Rook in middle of the night. This can wait for morning, Rook thinks so. Rook will help you tomorrow, but it will need to wait until after Rook has restarted work on Wall. While boat is helpful, boat doesn't keep out raiders. Yet...” Rook said, thinking for a moment and then nodding. “Tomorrow.” With a grin, would walk back to his shack to rest for the night after all this excitement. [center]Rook – Rook's Wall[/center] A little after dawn, Rook was up. He was stretching out everything. He was getting ready to do his morning jog. He didn't know if he was going to go off the rails by being lazy. He had spent some time with other super mutants, seeing how they were lazy, battled each other, never did anything with the powers they had gotten from the change. They never seemed to care, but he always took care of himself after he woke up in the sewer, and he never seemed to suffer the decay they did. Doing a quick jog (by human standards) around the edge of the town on the beach. He was armed this time, bracers and shin guards, with a good looking steel pole. He had that strapped to his back to keep him defended from Mirelurks. If he made it all around with no problems, he would start work on his wall until he was gotten by the trader to help pull out the boat. For now it was making sure all the corner posts were at least roughly made so they could be placed with out any issues later on. He needed to get a hold of a shovel and a pickaxe so he could dig down and work on making the posts a bit more secure for later. The men at the diner said they could help make the gates automatic so that way they didn't have to hand crank the doors open. He would probably take the next few days to drag up the machinery when he was able to.