Henry headed to the gates a day early bit confused by the email and spent the night at a hotel close by. He woke up early to do his morning exercises then went to the gate is his suit. He put his gloves on early and slung his small pack over his shoulders. He walked to the gates and saw a car pulling away. [i]Crap, thought I was going to be the first one here. So much for a good impression.[/i] He got a bit annoyed and continued to walk and happened to catch a glance at the driver. [i]Was that someone's mother? Pfft.[/i] Henry snickered as he walked up to the gate and froze when he saw the boy from the park. Slowly he started walking up to the gate once he felt close enough he just stood there. [i]Why am I freezing again? I feel like a darn vulture with how I freeze and stand.[/i]