[b][center]Dominion of Meung [/center][/b] [u][b]Hiron withdraws from negotiations; Meung condemns Hiron: [/b][/u] The Imperial Foreign Ministry condemned Hironese withdrawal from Redanan sponsored mediation talks before they had even begun. Foreign Minister Xi in a statement released to the international media meant that '' Meung and Hiron can now no longer negotiate in good faith. It is clear that the Imperium knowing that its negotiating position is weak must now resort to strong arm tactics to influence the region.'' The withdrawal from the talks was also followed by the complete withdrawal of all Hironese diplomatic staff in the Dominon. In effect, relations between the Meung have been severed. [u][b]Tsardom and Dominion Reach Agreement:[/b][/u] With Hiron's sudden withdrawal from mediation talks, despite agreeing only weeks earlier, Radenan diplomats were left to press on with negotiations with the Dominion alone. Ambassador Yeryomin Vladimirovich and Foreign Minister Xi agreed to cede control of Wenshou Island to the Tsardom of Radena in exchange for twenty million dollars, Radenan military advisors for the Meung Imperial Army, and a license for the Kirov .88 to be produced locally in the Dominion. Foreign Minister Xi in a statement said he hoped the sale of the island '' would help to cool tensions in the region by adding a deterrant to Hironese expansionist claims. The Treaty will be a pillar of Meung security in the future. '' The Treaty of Wenshou is expected to be ratified in a special session by the House of Lords. All civilians have been offered a chance to resettle in the Meung heartland, if they so desire. Local administration is expected to be turned over in the next few weeks, though Meung Imperial soldiers will remain until December to maintain local security.