[color=aba000][u][b]Steve Cooper- Diner [/b][/u][/color] “There was another injured woman in that apartment block; I carried her to the clinic last night... I’m surprised no-one in here saw that.” Steve replied as took a slip of his coffee. [i]Acey makes some good cup of Joe. [/i] The Naive girl... Brandy if Steve called correctly walked in and spoke the injured woman as Ace at Steve, “By the way, there was some guy inquiring about the horse last night. I’d be careful if I was you.” “Thanks for the heads up.” Steve said as he turned around to look at the horse which was still tied up outside the diner. Was the person asking about the horse the one who shot Eliza? [i]Should find out either way could be trouble [/i] Steve sat down on a empty stool just as Brandy walked around the counter and asked about breakfast...which she apparently cooked herself. [i]God I bet it was awful...[/i] “It was good, though eggs were burnt around the edges… “Ace said seemlying confirming Steve suspicions but what worst is that she seemlying Stole the stuff from the diner and didn’t lock up afterwards! Acey would probably stop her from working at the Pleasure Den but Steve would have to find a way to exploit this naive girl from himself [i] Or perhaps I could wait until he’s finished with her? did flirt with Hotshot too.... Hmmm Yes vulnerable little Mouse. [/i] “Have you seen the sign on the roof? You didn’t put it up there did you?” [i]Okay here we go... let’s get this over and done with.... [/i] Brandy exhaled through her nose and shook her head as she walked over to Steve and tapped him on the shoulder, “Excuse me,” she said sharply, “You put that sign on the roof of the diner? Do you own this diner? Did you ask Ace? Because it wasn’t up there earlier when I was here. That is unacceptable, go put that on you…Pleasure Den. That sign will make people leave, and what if they have children huh? You freely advertise drugs and other nasty things right there for everyone to see? That’s just wrong, you need to take that off of Ace’s diner…RIGHT NOW!!! It’s disgusting.” “No it won’t.” Steve replied as he took a slip of his coffee “I don’t know where you came Xiǎo gūniáng but I think you’re forgetting were in an apocalyptic wasteland and sure things may be fairly “normal” and safe in towns like these but out there.” Steve said as pointed to the wasteland “it’s a fucking shithole; everyday people have to fight for their lives against raiders, mutants, hunger and all other sorts of wastelands horrors...” [i] doudt she's even fired a gun before.[/i] “You might think drugs are bad but have you ever fought a super mutant? Killed someone for bottle of radiated piss? Or... beaten, starved and locked up in a bloody broom closet by your own fucking father for three days? Have you? HAVE YOU?” Steve asked as he stated directly at Brandy. Taking another slip of coffee Steve continued “For a small price I give people a escape from the karma overlords fucking hellhole that is the wasteland and allow them to indulge in their fantasies but No, you didn’t think of that did you? “Whoa, hold on a minute there. No one is going back up there yet. First of all you could’ve inquired before putting a sign on my roof. What if you had fallen? I’ve been meaning to reinforce it, and last thing I need is someone walking up there.” Ace said as he stood next to Brandy and placed his hands on her shoulders. “The roof is fine besides I’ve walked on weaker, wooden rooftops whilst under fire and didn’t fall off.” Steve replied "but yeah... probably should have asked first, sorry Acey." Acey kissed brandy on cheek, “Now you need to calm down, okay? Frown lines don’t suit that pretty face of yours. Don’t worry I’m sure Steve and I will come to an understanding.” “25% discount on all pleasure den services and products. I was gonna offer you that just to mention the den but I then though making a sign would be easier” [i]And more effective [/i]