I'd like to add one more thing. As an Administrator of my own website I tried to include accommodations for members with conditions. I know this is a little off topic, but I wanted to add on my A Moderator and Admin needs to determine if someone's behavior was out of cruel maliciousness or simply out of misunderstanding or something else entirely. People are not always simply good and evil and they encompass all shades of gray. I have multiple mental health diagnoses and they do impact the way I communicate with people. I often have a hard time processing a situation, especially when people are jumping down my throat or it feels like someone is attacking me. Because I have a delay in process I tend to react instead of rationally think. But that's my atypical brain chemistry. There's this notion with moderators on websites that they can't give people any special treatment. But what some people see as special treatment is simply accommodations and make the website a more pleasant place for people with disorders. As I said earlier it is up to the moderators to diffuse, and deflate a situation. Instead of simply handing out the bans. And I know I am digressing the point. But since we're talking. I think that it is a moderators job to communicate with the members having issues with each other. To reach some kind of understand. I.e. in my case, it's a "I talked to so and so, he was having a hard time that day and felt that your tone of voice was rude and he lashed out, he didn't mean to do so but because of his condition sometimes he has a difficult day. Are you willing to talk to him?" In the three years I was an administrator for the website I joined, I had a kid who had downs syndrome and an IQ of 80. When members had trouble with him. I talked to them both all the way through and I got him to understand by simplifying the issue, but I never once touched him with a ban hammer. Maybe a timeout to get him to cool down because I knew it can be difficult for him to process that situation. And I let him vent to me about the situation. But I never banned him because he had an impairment and that impairment he couldn't always be 100% in control of regulating himself to the website rules. And no one on the website had an issue with it when I explained to them "Look he has downs syndrome and he has a lower IQ than the rest of you, in this case I know he upset you, but we can talk about this as mature adults" Another thing is moderators letting members vent to them. There have been a number of times a situation has upset me. A moderator threatens a ban or a warning and I am still upset because of the situation and I get in worse trouble because I say something in a moment of anger. All of this goes back to the Administration needs to be flexible and take in everything as a consideration. I wanted to bring this up in this topic since we're talking about moderator behavior and such. And the moderators are willing to discuss policy with the members right now.