[@pugbutter] Well luckily the kid I kept from being banned on my website was able to recognize his behavior. He always apologized after I talked to him and always thanked me afterwards. And I am genuinely the same. I know sometimes I have a habit of getting so frazzled in a situation that it's like a light switch in my head and I cannot comprehend or rationally think. When I reread a scenario I go, yeah, woops. And I often take responsibility for my actions. Those are the type of people I am talking about making accommodations for. The people who have an outburst Recognize it Apologize And are genuinely trying to show good will in their behavior. But again that's the job of a moderator to determine who is being malicious for the sake of maliciousness. And those who just had a bad day, had am moment. I am on medication, and I have Autism. There are days or moments or situations that become too much for me and I just can't process it. And I know I shouldn't erupt. I know I should step away. Sometimes I do. But there are those moments where I can't rationalize those steps and I have a meltdown. But I don't do it because I want to hurt people. I don't do it because I am acting with some form of ill will. I do it because I feel attacked, slighted, or I just don't know how to handle the situation. But I always try to better myself. I always try to apologize and take responsibility for the actions I take. Because they are still my actions. But because I put in the time and effort to control myself, to take a step back, breathe, then take responsibility and never blame someone else for my actions. I believe those people, are the ones who should get those accommodations.