[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qzvR0Ec.png[/img] [h3][color=ffff99]Kasuke Mina[/color][/h3][/center] After returning from her dorm, Mina had to snap herself out of her funk in order to pay attention during general studies. Not that general studies was difficult, but she'd kick herself if she failed due to missing something on account of self-reflection. It was okay to not be the best yet, she had told herself. That's what she had enrolled at this school for; to learn how to become the best, and to train her mind and body for the task of being a hero. General Studies was too part of that. Once the bell rang for lunch, Mina made her way straight there. After the fight earlier this morning, she needed to recharge and refuel her body, so she was naturally starving. Picking a selection of what was to her an ordinary meal, but would be a gourmet meal the likes of which unseen to most other students. Sitting down alone, she started to eat, with knife and fork, cutting off and eating dainty bites in the most bourgeoisie style of eating imaginable. [hr] [center][h2]Mako Akane[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/AkrlPlR.png[/img][/center] The pile of paperwork considerably shortened during the last period, Mako was ready for lunch. She just grabbed a salad though. Most of her self-imposed daily calorie allowance was reserved for alcohol in the evenings. That was the biggest thing she missed in prison; a nice, cold beer at the end of the day. She took the plate back to her desk so she could carry on working while she ate. After a few minutes, she saw a very familiar face; a third year student when she had first taken up the post; Aurelia Nakamiji. Older sister of current first year Acion, in fact, as well as accomplished hero and leader of a team! Mako shouldn't be surprised what the former student had managed to do in three years given how much she herself managed in six months, but nevertheless, she was impressed. She was about to say hello when Jais entered, and immediately got a very warm reception from the former student. Mako sat there, smiling as usual, but secretly feeling pretty ignored, and pretty jealous. What was she, chopped liver? She watched the two of them, head off to lunch, then turned her attention back to her paperwork. [@Conscripts]