If it had not been for the ever approaching creauture that was slowly but surely approaching him, Adrian would have been all too happy to face the mysterious voice and reply with a rather snarky comment. But alas, caution dictated that taking your eyes off the bloodthirsty thing was a rather poor idea, so he merely settled for the snarky comment part. "I've kinda been way over my head simpy by trying to live in this mess of a world," he called back, his voice miraculously not betraying his growing panic, "But by all means, do continue to illustrate just how dire my well being is becoming." Whether through amusement or aggravation, Adrian was hoping to keep the voice's interest. The tone in the figure's voice sounded far too calm given the events unfolding around them, which led him to believe that it knew more than it would probably let on. But in the leantime, he had to deal with the creature approaching him without attracting even more of the unwanted attention he had been generating. Reaching into his pack, Adrian retrieved his spell tome, it's hard leather cover already making him feel a bit more at ease, and got ready to divert the creatures attention. Even though he had long since stopped needing to read from the tome in order to shape his spells, going through the motions of opening the book cleared his mind and alowed him to focus solely on the task at hand. "Blizzard," he said calmly, as a sphere of pure ice came into being, rotating quickly as it accomulated more masc, several feet behind the creature. In under a second it was already half of a foot in diameter and was launched at the back of its head. It was by no means meant to incapacitate it, much less kill it, but Adrian hoped it would mistake it for an attack from one of the parties behind it.