Bruce watched the spire rise out of the ground, recalling everything he could about Rajaka from the briefing on him a couple days earlier. He took a deep breath, recalling the errant Ki lingering around Ross that had dissolved during their exchange. Once more, he closed his eyes. The earthly restraints around his feet had sunk back down. He reached out for the planet's pulse, willing his own to match it. He found it. Maybe it was a consequence of his training, or the removal of the restraints he'd once put on himself, but the pulse felt stronger. He smiled. Bruce's eyes snapped open, and a wall of stone and concrete shot up between him and Ross. His mace made a second appearance and smashed the wall into jagged rocks that flew toward Ross and sent debris into the air. Bruce bent his knees and jumped in sync with a column that erupted from under him, angled slightly in Ross' direction. He went sailing over Ross' head, and, using his new vantage point, he erected another two walls on either side of the huge Gaian. These he made to roll across the floor toward Ross, growing larger as they gathered up more material from the ground.