[@mdk] The only part of that which I know is up for debate on its validity is the organizer himself. Apparently that person shares a name with another individual and no one, at least within the_donald or /pol/, as of yet knows for sure. I have not seen an update to that, but I have also not been following it for the past few days. If I were to bet, I would say that mark is accurate based on the rest of the available information. You might have even seen the picture with the Antifa member crouching down with a shield wrapped in trash bags and then a picture of him again dressed as a Nazi, carrying the shield, but with the black bag on the ground next to him. There's also the issue of the mayor having Alt-Left ties, same with the Berkeley incident where that influenced their decision to withhold the police. There's quite a few roleplayers-for-hire that were sent as well, unsurprisingly all from out of state. The entire escalation looks very suspicious with all of this kept in mind, the same for its apparent mirroring of what took place in Ukraine; that I admit I know nothing about, but I keep seeing references to it and Neo-Nazis.