[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/saGm5xq.png[/img] [color=pink][h3]Mamoru Aksha[/h3][/color][/center] Eventually the good times had to come to an end. The bell rang and next class was going to start. [color=pink]”Talk to y'all later!”[/color] Mamoru said with a cheer as she returned to her seat and resumed class. The rest of the lessons were general education stuff that Mamoru tried not to sleep through. It was really morning though, compared to the exciting hero class. Still she did her best to be a good little student, taking notes and such. Eventually lunch rolled in. Mamoru debated taking a nap but all she needed to do was talk a few steps outside of the classroom and she was already back to her energetic old self. She practically skipped to lunch as she wait in line for her meal. She could already smell it in the air; pork curry with fried rice, watermelon, and a tall glass of barley tea. It also helped that there was a menu with today’s lunch choices available. One Mamoru had her meal she looked for somewhere to sit. While sitting outside was tempting, she'd prefer somewhere a bit shadier. That's when she spotted the [i]perfect[/i] place: a humble lunch table underneath a tree. It didn't have the big umbrella like the other outside tables did, but who'd need them with you had a natural shade? All it needed was a tablecloth and it'd be perfect! Either way Mamoru headed outside to claim this righteous place as her own. [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X6y1z1z.png[/img] [color=firebrick][h3]Donny Yang[/h3][/color][/center] After returning to class Donny was fairly quiet. He didn't talk at all unless called for by the teacher. He just paid attention to class, occasionally got lost in his own thoughts, and quietly snacked when he could get away with it. His actions during the training battle was soon forgotten under the more mundane English and Math lessons, stuff that Donny already had a decent grasp of due to his extensive homeschooling. Eventually however, the best class in school finally started: Lunch! Donny showed surprising speed as he rushed to lunch, practically one of the first kids there. Perhaps his eagerness was a mistake, as he got a few jeers for how excited he seemed about getting to lunch. He ignored them the best he could and just got the food he wanted. Which was to say, as much as he was allowed to carry. Two bowls of curry, a bowl of ramen, a plate with three sandwiches stacked on it, two bananas, two bottles of apple juice, three muffins, and three bags of chips, each a different flavor. A big meal for a big kid. Looking around Donny thought about where he could sit at. Plenty of space and while it was loud, Donny didn’t mind the noise. He wanted to enjoy his meal in peace, maybe take a nap, and then get ready for the rest of his day. He still had to do grocery shopping for dinner too. As Donny was looking around he noticed Mina eating lunch alone. She looked so graceful. Donny was practically shaking just looking at her. [color=firebrick][i]”No! You came here to change Donny, isn’t that right? To be better, to become a hero? How can you throw yourself into a flaming building if you can’t even talk to a girl?”[/i][/color] Donny gulped nervously. Mina was nice, but surely she wouldn’t want to be seen around someone like Donny. Reputation and all. Still… He had to try. Even if he gets rejected, he’d at least not have to regret never asking. So taking a deep breath Donny walked over to Mina, carefully balancing his tray of food as to not make it spill. [color=firebrick]”Ah… Um… H-H-H-Hi, Kosuke-s-s-san. M-M-Mind if I eat h-here?”[/color] [@Silver Carrot] [hr] As the bell rang, the boy who walked into Class A1 stayed there. He didn't talk, barely took notes, just sort of listened to the teacher and watched everyone else. When spoken to he's say something, but he didn't introduce himself and didn't bother to talk to the rest of the students. Eventually lunch came and he left along with everyone else, but didn't seem to head to the lunchroom. Meanwhile as more students filled into the lunch room, there was hush tones as one group in particular entered the room. For those who'd bother to listen to the whispers and rumors, they here talk about "The Seven Precepts" and "A2 Elite's". And the only name passed between the gossip and hearsay was something about the "Shiki Family". Leading the group was a [url=https://i.imgur.com/T8VZZVw.jpg]girl with mischievous eyes and a sharp smile[/url]. Unlike all the other students, she wore a unique school uniform. No one seemed to bat an eye at it, not even the teachers when she walked past them. She spoke to the rest of her clique, including a [url=https://i.imgur.com/psdMFJn.png]pale boy[/url] who seemed to have a few bloody bandages wrapped around his head. He was accompanied by a few other kids who seem to differ to his judgement. One such [url=https://i.imgur.com/L2DsLQk.jpg]kid[/url] ran off to go get the group a nice table for all of them to sit at. Behind them were two girls, one with [url=https://i.imgur.com/1xyyLYc.jpg]long-purple hair[/url] and another with [url=https://i.imgur.com/xQ1ZvJB.jpg]shoulder-length pink hair[/url]. They seemed to be talking about something important as they showed each other various papers and documents. Lastly, there was a [url=https://i.imgur.com/TUlJunj.jpg]little girl[/url] riding some sort of golem made out of towels. She paid no mind to others, simply following the group while drawing something on her sketch pad. This group was given a wide birth by most of the other students, and were even able to quickly get into the lunch line simply because the others stood off to the side, letting them through.