Anna could feel her heart racing in her chest as she made her way quickly down the path toward the building her class would be in. She couldn't be around people. She didn't know why she thought she could do this. Why hadn't she just settled for a job without a degree? Her anxiety was up, eyes glancing about everywhere as she walked, worried and fearful of every person near her. What if someone found out what she could do? What if she was found out and locked up in jail? Or worse, experimented on? Panic began to rise in her and she had to force herself to stop, leaning against the wall of one of the buildings as she caught her breath and tried to calm down. No one knew what she was. She could keep it a secret. She just had to be more careful. It was a psychology class, something that Anna wasn't too fond of. Perhaps it was because she knew she wasn't a very sound person psychologically that she shied away from such topics that were related to psychology. Yet, it was one of the required courses and so she had to take it, as much as she didn't want to. She took a deep breath as she made her way into the classroom and took a seat in the back, closest to the door in case she had to leave the class quickly and without much notice. Hopefully that wouldn't be something that would be needed, but it was still best to be safe, just in case. Slowly, the students filed in one by one and she sat there as still and as quiet as possible, pretending to focus on the text book, her blonde hair acting as a curtain that shielded her face from those around her. It made her feel safe and hidden, so that she could look ahead and see the board as the teacher spoke, but those beside her couldn't see her. The professor walked in, talking about different hings that she barely listened to, until he said the word 'group project'. Her heart sank at that term. She had to work with someone else? How could things get any worse? He explained the details of the project and she realized that, indeed, it could get worse. The partners were supposed to psych analyze each other and then choose a subject related to psychology to research. She didn't like this at all. The professor finished the instructions and then informed everyone to go ahead and choose partners, to which most people would immediately turn to their friends next to them to pick them as their partners. Some got up, walking around the large lecture hall to try and find a partner as well. She herself felt so tense, standing there and looking around, hoping and praying that, perhaps, there might be an odd number of people and she could just do the project individually. Though, luck never really seemed to be on her side and she had a feeling that, despite her hoping for no partner, she would likely have a partner whether she wanted to or not.