[@kingkonrad][@AtomicNut] Ahh shucks, you is making me blush. Onto the meaty bits with tasty po-tay-toes, your are the writer and historian, plus lore builder of your family, the Tyrells. I believe it best that you took parts from both the books (more in depth, have the whole family tree, so on and so forth), and the show (flashy, cool, made for brevity and ease of understanding for the masses). I like how the show builds up the drama and suspense between the families, i.e. Sacking of Highgarden, Lannister's killing the Sands of Dorne, Alliance with Greyjoy crazy pants who wants to get busy with Cersei, etc. The books on the other hand, go into great detail with everything. The Tyrell's have a much bigger family, Dorne doesn't get butt-f**ked by the back stabbing females of Oberyn. Also Myrcella is still alive (Damn you [@MrDidact] for ruining my plans to marry her!) And so on. You've taken the best route, sticking to your guns for the most part, while still being open for slight corrections or modifications for the overall flow of the story. So, I enjoy seeing the events unfold, and seeing how they affect out individual storylines and backgrounds, and the big ticker, is whenever this next book comes out, if GRRM doesn't have a heart attack before finishing it, how it will deviate from the show and our own progress within the Roleplay continuity.