[img]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.Md57b7a268c497fe37b4a7fda863f2042o0&w=219&h=299&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img] [color=B0E0E6][b]Name:[/b][/color] Mikiena Takaharu [color=B0E0E6](幹恵ナ タカ春)[/color] [color=B0E0E6][b]Nickname:[/b][/color] Miki (Micky), Haru, Taka [color=B0E0E6][b]Role:[/b][/color] The Shy, Mysterious type [color=B0E0E6][b]Age:[/b][/color] 16 [color=B0E0E6][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=B0E0E6][b]S/O:[/b][/color] Bisexual [color=B0E0E6][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Mikiena is a wild spirit that is nearly impossible to break, but one that is to herself most of the time. She is a very curious but she can be very calm, mellow, and level-headed. Being calm and patient in most situations, she stays focused and aware not making snap judgments right away. Mikiena tries to avoid making enemies, but sometimes her sarcasm gets in the way and she gets herself in a heap of trouble. She is very passionate, sometimes in a fiery way, and loving. Mikiena is extremely polite and soft spoken and doesn't care much for rude, obnoxious, or distasteful people. She is a kindhearted, sweet, and protective person over those she cares about, but she can be very quiet. In crowds she often stays to herself, causing a distant feeling about her, or with a familiar face but she is very shy with new people. Mikiena can be a very outgoing and active person sometimes when she has grown comfortable around people. Usually she is on her laptop or entangled in the pages of her notebook. [color=B0E0E6][b]Biography:[/b][/color] Mikiena was raised by her uncle and aunt in a fairly stable environment in Japan, but with the death of her aunt she didn't feel welcome at home anymore. Mikiena didn't spend much time around other kids throughout her life and has always been shy with new people coming around her. The most interactions she got were at school and even then she was a quiet, self kept girl. With few friends but a friendly personality, she was complacent with the way things were. Other kids didn't seem to notice her that much, or saw her as strange, which was completely fine with her. She enjoyed it really. At home she was quiet and would spend her time in her room doing homework or playing games. As she grew up her grades showed nothing but how smart she was. A self-kept girl who could ace a test while sleeping through the class. When she wasn't paying attention to the teacher she was either drawing in a notebook or playing a game on her phone. Many times she got in trouble for it, yet she still did it. At lunch she made a game out of hacking into other people's game account and leveling their characters. Mikiena never stole items from anyone or hurt their characters, she thought of it as fun help, and it gave her something to do. Her grades and academic brilliance was how she even got into Ouran. She was not born to a rich family but her favorite teacher pushed for her to submit an application and take the exams. Without too much effort, she was accepted. When she got old enough Mikiena found herself a job and kept herself busy. With the small income she made, she got herself a small apartment with her friend Kirigaya. The two of them were never home at the same time and always had the house to themselves due to each other's schedules. Mikiena and Kirigaya were best friends since they were really little. Friends by force and reluctance, but friends regardless. He was one of her only friends she was actually close to. Now in high school they don't talk as much and only see each other in the very few classes they share. But the alone time was nice for her, she enjoyed every second of it. It gave her a chance to do homework, write something in her notebook, or go online for her games without interruptions. Since summer was ending, she knew school was going to be a challenge. It wasn't an ordinary Japanese academy. Joining the Host Club was more of an accident since she was trying to find ways to possibly get free time. Although, the idea of the club did interest her in a way. Being a host would give her a chance to actually entertain more than her game videos did. Even though it was selfish, it would also give her the popularity she needed to expand her fan base if she could suck it up and actually be social. A selfish act she could possibly justify but would still bug her. [color=B0E0E6][b]Likes:[/b][/color] [color=green][b]+[/b][/color]Computer games [color=green][b]+[/b][/color]Video games [color=green][b]+[/b][/color]Music (almost everything) [color=green][b]+[/b][/color]Detailed graphic designs [color=green][b]+[/b][/color]Rain and snow [color=B0E0E6][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] [color=red][b]-[/b][/color] Getting her laptop taken away [color=red][b]-[/b][/color] Uniforms [color=red][b]-[/b][/color] Rude, obnoxious people [color=red][b]-[/b][/color] Selfishness [color=B0E0E6][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Mikiena stands at just 5'6" with vivid red hair that reaches her lower back. She has soft, friendly sky blue and green eyes behind her black framed glasses with a pale-ish, white complexion. When not wearing her uniform, which is whenever she can get away with not wearing it, she's often found in a tank top with a tie and a belted skirt, leggings usually included, or skinny jeans paired with her knee-high black boots. [center][img]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.Mdea2ad3617545417153ae1057c4dfc14o0&w=203&h=299&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0[/img][/center]