[quote=Nohbdy] Aside from the image (which won't be up anytime soon), I'm good to go. [/quote] [quote=@Nohbdy] I understand, but the "no choice" bit is bull. Don't lay your decision on me. [/quote] Actually, as a fellow GM, I have valuable point to make here that you may have missed. "Character [color=ed1c24][b]Application[/b][/color]". When you apply for something, you are asking to be a part of it, to which you follow the predetermined constituents. Now, if you fail to comply with the necessary components of this application, whether it's an element born of common sense or personal taste, you can expect your entry denied. Personally, if you had sassed me that way I would have kicked you out immediately. There are a hundred better ways you can handle this, but instead you've chosen to set a negative impression of yourself. You're not entitled to participation, you're asking (not very politely, might I add) to be allowed in. Also, I may have missed something but when did you become the leading authority on Didgeridont's feelings? At first glance, he seems like a nice guy who may honestly have some regrettable feelings on the situation at hand. Perhaps you see this as an insubstantial requirement, but everybody has their own niches. Your desire to be apart of this world should be higher than your tendency to complain., to put it nicely. You knew the requirement when you read the sheet, don't attack the GM because you've got your knickers in a twist. Frankly, with that kind of attitude, I'm not very optimistic about working with you. Anyways, these are my opinions and are not to be considered an opening for argument. Of course, you're entitled to your reply, but I won't be a part of any quarrel born of my two cents.