[color=00a651][b]Dr. Arthur West, Salem Church Clinic[/b][/color] With Eliza seemingly in good hands and the two women obviously enjoying each other's company plenty enough without him, Arthur took the time to finally give himself a break. He'd been up all night and had barely eaten anything since yesterday evening. He was starving. While the two women were....distracted, Arthur quickly fetched his pack and took it around to the upper church mezzanine, and dug into it. He pulled out the box of nutritional supplements and eagerly took another pill like a chem addict taking a hit of his drug of choice. He couldn't think about rationing right now, he needed energy and he needed it now. And he certainly didn't want to have any surface food right now. "Doc?" Arthur looked up to see Barney standing off in the doorway of the upper floor. Arthur froze in place and slowly tucked the box away and hoped that Barney hadn't seen the imprinted vitruvian symbol. "Uh...yes? What is it?" "Ace is lookin' for you. He says a woman needs help over at the Diner." Arthur sighed, "A physicians work is never done I suppose..." "Pardon doc?" "Nothing. I'll be right there." Arthur set his pack down and went back into the room where Eliza was recuperating, "Excuse me Miss Eliza. I'm afraid there's someone injured down at the Diner. I need to go. You should be quite alright given your current condition, but make sure you don't do anything too strenuous. You need plenty of rest to fully recover. I should be back shortly." With that Arthur grabbed his medical bag and walked briskly across the street to the Diner. He entered through the doors and looked around, he tried his best to hide his fatigue. His eyes immediately fell on the injured woman. [i]Oh dear.... [/i] he thought to himself. He knelt down next to her and opened his bag. The woman's injuries were nearly as severe as the ones he'd just treated on Eliza. And he'd used quite a few of his spare medical supplies on her, "I don't have what I need to treat her," He said looking around the diner, "I used up nearly all what I had treating the Eliza girl. I need bandages, Med-X and anti-septic. And I'll need someone to help her to the clinic, a gurney to lay her on would be helpful as well. No need to take her to the second floor, I can move what I need down to the first quickly enough."