[u]Much Earlier[/u] Silvi sat at the desk in her room and looked over the compound that was both Wulka Armaments, one of the premier weapons and armour makers on Ferris, and her home. From her second floor bedroom, she could see not only the private grounds surrounding her house, but also the workshops, design studio, laboratory, range and testing grounds that were spread across the five acre lot. Smiling, she watching as early dawn light crept across the grounds, while in front of her, she was carefully disassembling, cleaning, and then re-assembling Moonlight Shard. Humming softly as she worked, her tail twitched slightly as her bedroom slowly swung open. [i]“HEYSISAREYOUEXCITEDFO-”[/i] Her brother shouted as he burst into her room, shining a spot light on her…empty…bed. “What are you? Twelve?” She said with a smirk, from the other side of the room. “Damn,” Her older brother Habeen muttered. “I just wanted to make sure you were up in time to get to the Academy.” He added louder, doing his best to look virtuous, and failing. [i]“Riiight,”[/i] Silvi replied, putting the last few pieces together. “You’re [i]so[/i] concerned you decided to ‘wake’ me a full 3 hours before I’d even need to leave here to get to Iron Forrest…asshole.” Habeen laughed. “And a good morning to you to dear sister!” Shaking her head as her brother left, she cycled [i]Moonlight Shard[/i] between modes before sliding it back into its scabbard. Standing, she hung the sword on her belt, grabbed her collapsed shield, and went in search of breakfast before some morning practice. [u]Now[/u] Standing in front of the old town hall, Silvi was less than enthusiastic about what she saw. [i]Three of us? Seriously?[/i] Only partially listening to…Lute was it? She instead did her best to observe the other two out of the corner of her eye. [i]Great two humans, an I’m the tallest…[/i] She thought a tad sourly. Silvi had no problem with humans in general, at least a third of the company’s people, and their cook, were human, as well as several of her grade school friends…it was just that being the only faunus student, and the tallest by a wide margin, made her feel a tad ‘exposed’ as it were. Apparently the staffing meet-and-greet was over and they had an hour to kill. [b] "So... I'm Mika... you two?" [/b] “Hi, my name is Silvi,” She said, offering a hand; as she spoke, her tail unconsciously wrapped around her legs, a little tick when she was nervous. “Are you okay Mika?” The tiny girl seemed to be shivering pretty good; by Atlas standards, Ferris was a fairly warm place thanks to the active volcano, but visitors still found it a bit on the cool side…Silvi however, being a local, barely even noticed.