[@Wick][h1][color=royalblue][center][img]http://t02.deviantart.net/22Rgt0gblSi_IukwT9Ahe-p82zg=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre15/600e/th/pre/i/2014/201/a/2/giacomo_crescentii_by_kazuyalord-d7rhlf9.jpg[/img] Elias[/center][/color][/h1][hr] The moment the Wesen fell, the screaming in Elias ears immediately died. The edges of bloodlust fell away from his vision and his normal bodily functions resumed, flooding his consciousness with immense waves of pain. The wound in his shoulder had only been exacerbated by his violent actions in combat with his much larger opponent, and the spine's hooked quills had torn through his flesh without mercy. Blood slowly flowed out of the injury, tainted an odd black color, but between his altered vision and the darkness of the night, he couldn't discern the difference. His consciousness immediately lapsed, returning in vague spurts. Alexis cleaning his wound, Alexis pounding the spine out, Alexis whispering soft words that fell on disorient ears that couldn't understand their meaning. Hundar kneeling to aid Alexis, Hundar's back as the broad stallion strode through the darkness of the night with bold steps, the sun rising over the horizon, the barn doors creaking open, the shocked exclamations of the stable hands as they saw Elias crippled form... Their words blurred into vague noises as the Grimm slowly succumbed to his blood loss, fading into a darkness so thick that only the pulsating pain of the wound could penetrate it, until... [hr]The darkness slowly edged away from Elias mind as a single sensation shot through his mind. [i][b]Pain.[/b][/i] Elias groaned, shifting slightly as the searing pain of the wound stabbing through his psyche, providing no rest against the agony. Immediately, voices were chattering and hands were touching him, however he still couldn't muster the energy to open his eyes. He faintly heard an instruction to lie still, but it wasn't clear enough for him to process. A few moments of action passed, and the Hunter finally managed to open his eyes. Three people stood over him, each covered in medical gear, intently focused on his shoulder. Restraints bound him down, biting into his bare skin quite harshly. Each person held either a blade, some form of cleaning supply, or some other form of medical equipment. They talked in hushed voices, each staring intently at Elias' bare chest. Turning his head, Elias caught sight of his shoulder and nearly vomited. The entire area was a bloody mess, with swelling red veins spiderwebbing their way away from the wound under his skin. The wound itself was wide open as the doctor's reorganized the tissue, pulling out tiny specks of black spine from the infected tissue. His bone was visible, however blood was entirely absent. He wasn't sure what had allowed him to wake up through the anesthesia, but it didn't matter; he was conscious in the middle of intensive surgery. His breathing rate skyrocketed as he struggled to maintain his composure, watching silently as the doctor's worked, unaware of his state of awareness. The surgery took what seemed like days, and each moment was more excruciating than the last. The surgeon's hands were slow, yet precise, expertly working their craft on Elias flesh. After an eternity, Elias closed his eyes and leaned his head back, seeking the sweet relief of unconsciousness. Unfortunately, it never came until it was finished. [hr]Elias opened his eyes, aware that he was in a new room. His body was covered simply by a blanket over his waist and a set of bandages around his shoulder. He could see the doctor in the corner, silently sleeping. He had obviously been monitoring Elias, however he had succumbed the needs of his body. A servant stood nearby, stepping forward the moment he saw that Elias had regained his senses. [color=brown]"Please, Sir Elias, attempt not to move. It would only make the poison spread faster."[/color] Elias frowned and turned to look the man in the eye. [color=royalblue]"P-p...p-poison?"[/color] His voice was cracked and weak, however he managed to sputter out the word. The man nodded slowly, his face grim. [color=brown]"It is not my place to explain. I shall retrieve my Lady and her niece."[/color] He disappeared quickly through the door, gently tapping the doctor on the shoulder as he did. The medical practitioner woke suddenly, standing and leaving the room within seconds. It wasn't for a few minutes until everyone had amassed in the room, leaving Elias feeling very uncomfortable and exposed. After a long moment of silence, Elias coughed, patiently waiting for an explanation.