[center][h3][color=8F9779]Cormorant Sanders[/color][/h3] [@Caits][@Joshua Tamashii][@Zarkun][/center] When the master of Rider's Blade began to speak in earnest, General Sanders listened with intent. Fraquar described the empty crater that now stood where Fiore's most notorious prison once loomed, citing what he believed to be an ultra-violent jailbreak. Having received no such intelligence thus far about the issue, Sanders assumed it to have been a very recent occurrence, providing the man was speaking in total honesty. Though the commander in chief of Frenzy Plant regretted thinking ill of his colleagues, he could not depend on his counterpart delivering nothing but the truth in every detail—simply omitting things could be just as calamitous. The warning Fraquar issued toward the close of his briefing momentarily roused Sanders' interest. Jamie's daughter had been experimented upon in the past? He could only think of such a suggestion as odd. Were the child his own, he might have fretted over her safety with more passion, but as it was the old man mused that knowing what an enemy wanted was a big step toward beating it. If Phoenix Wing's leader knew that somebody would be coming after her kid, she could take all sorts of steps to protect her. Judging by her confident response, Jamie certainly seemed dedicated to the idea of keeping her daughter safe. With theorizing and a cautionary tale out of the way, the floor was Jamie's, and she used it to tell the guild leaders that they'd spoken in the past of cooperation. As fast as he could, Sanders cast his mind back to the ball that cemented the Grand Magic Games' end two months ago. He recalled meeting with Jack Goran, the currently-absent administrator of Dragon Fang, but not to anyone else. Then again, perhaps he'd simply disregarded such a suggestion from Jamie and then forgotten it. Being the General's age meant coming to grips with many facets a grim reality; that memories are slipping away, for instance. As such he elected to not deny Jamie's statement, but instead to acknowledge the follow-up. [color=8F9779]“I know not the specifics of your particular situations, masters, but Frenzy Plant's presence in Oak Town has deterred the rise of dark guilds in the territory. I will admit to perceiving more natural disasters as of late, however. Are you indicating that they are not natural phenomena?”[/color] Thoughtful and probing, Sanders stroked his short, well-trimmed beard. [center][h3][color=FF6347]Owen Whately[/color][/h3] [@Joshua Tamashii][/center] So, she was going to stay. For the briefest of instants, Owen exhaled through his nose far more sharply than usual, pursing his lips. While he could admit to himself that he went into the situation on alert for any kind of mistreatment, Owen could not help but to feel as though this 'Amelia' was being disingenuous. He and his team were obviously here on official business; why would somebody try and butt in like this? She even plastered an oh-so-compassionate smile on her face. [i]Who does that?[/i] The obvious conclusion was that she was being bothersome, wanted something from them, or both. Passers-by often messed with stoic guardsmen outside castles and the like to try and break their dignity, and so assert themselves over those restrained by their profession. [i]Still, Zander would say: never call malice what can better be explained by foolishness.[/i] He gave a shrug. [color=FF6347]”Whatever floats yer boat, miss Amelia.”[/color] He chose his words carefully, as a reminder that this young woman held no sway over the soldiers' actions, and that his company was of the sort who addressed strangers with at lest semi-proper honorifics.