Jericho nodded as he put the pipe back in his mouth. "Yeah, quite a large crowd in there. Sadly, I'm sure many of them will die within the first few hours of being in the city." He said. He smiled at her question, taking and shaking her hand. "I'm Jericho. I already have two traveling with me in the city, but I wouldn't mind you joining us. If they give any lip about it, they can fuck off." He chuckled, but looked towards the city when a loud screeching noise filled the air. Those who were outside looked at the town, and could see the silhouetto of a large winged beast, flying around the city. It landed on the roof of the castle, letting out another loud screeching sound, causing some to cover their ears. Inside the bar, they could hear the beast cries, and caused many to turn and ask the others what it was. "That thing could be an issue." Jericho said, then looked back at Raven. "So, I'm good with a whip and rifle, can read, and incredible handsome. What can you do?" He asked her, taking a puff from his pipe.